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ABQ RIDE increases the size of its Sun Van fleet

Mayor Martin Chávez and ABQ RIDE Director Greg Payne announced today the addition of 31 new Sun Vans to the paratransit fleet bringing the total to 71 vans. All of the vans are wheelchair accessible and provide curb-to-curb transportation to persons who are ADA certified and whose impairment makes it impossible for them to ride the newly enhanced fixed-route service.

ALBUQUERQUE - The vans are a complement to ABQ RIDE’s fixed route bus fleet, which became 100% compliant with the American’s with Disabilities Act when in March 2008 it replaced non-compliant vehicles with 58 new low-floor, wheel-chair accessible buses. The new vans will also be replacing many of the older vehicles.

ABQ RIDE is currently in the process of enabling security video taping in all of the new vans. Also, within the next six to nine months, the vans will be equipped with an automatic vehicle locator system (AVL) which will provide information on the location of the vans and allow paperless communication from dispatch to the drivers.

“The addition of the new vans continues our commitment to providing accessible transportation for all citizens of Albuquerque,” said Mayor Chávez. “Additionally, more routes will be made available to cover more of the city.”

Plans are for ABQ RIDE to increase the current 55 routes per day by another 10 to 15% this August.

The Sun Vans also serve several agencies in Albuquerque whose clients require accessible transportation for work, school and medical appointments. “I am very pleased that my clients have an even more reliable way to get to work or be picked up on time,” said Gilbert Travis of Adelante Development Center, Inc.

The Sun Van system, which was started in 1978, currently provides more than 16,000 rides each month. “As ABQ RIDE continues to enhance services, we recognize that we have an important obligation to on-going and improved Sun Van transportation to eligible people,” said ABQ RIDE Director Payne. “Transportation should never be a barrier to anyone.”

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