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Federal Highway Administration


ACTION: Request for Comments Regarding National Bridge Inspection Standards --(Reply Due: May 21, 2001)


April 18, 2001


James D. Cooper Original Signed By
Director, Office of Bridge Technology

Reply to
Attn of:



Director of Field Services
Division Administrators
Federal Lands Highway Division Engineers

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Bridge Technology is conducting a review of 23 CFR 650, subpart C National Bridge Inspection standards (NBIS) to determine if the current regulation addressing the inspection of highway bridges needs to be revised and updated. We would like your input regarding this review of the NBIS regulations. In order to do so we have prepared the attached questionnaire and would like to capture your thoughts regarding this initiative. Please feel free to discuss with your customer or partner agencies.

Based in part on the comments received, an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) will be prepared and will solicit comments via federal register notice for a 90-day period. If on review and analysis of comments it is determined that the NBIS does in fact need to be revised, the team assigned this responsibility will draft a regulation to update the current regulation via the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) process.

In order for you to fully participate in this effort, please provide your comments via email to Mr. Wade F. Casey at wade.casey@fhwa.dot.gov. If you prefer to send hard copies, please address them to Mr. Wade F. Casey, FHWA, Federal Lands Highway, HFPD-9, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.


for the Proposed Review of
Subpart C - National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS)
23 CFR 650

General: Please complete this questionnaire, fully answering the questions with great clarity. Please feel free to attach additional pages if necessary to capture your response.

1. Is there a need to revise the National Bridge Inspection Standards? __Yes,   __No,   __Don't know.

1a. If the answer to number 1 is yes, can you briefly state why?

2. What proposed changes would you recommend?

2a. Are there technical studies or reports within or outside FHWA which support the need for these proposed changes?

3. Does the customer your office supports want to see the NBIS revised? Yes___,    No___,    Don't know____.

3a. If the answer to number 3 is yes, can you describe the changes they would like to see?

3b. If the answer to number 3 is no, can you discuss the reason why your customer does not want to see the NBIS revised?

4. Are the National Bridge Inspection Standards too restrictive? __Yes,   __No,   __Don't know.

4a. Please discuss the reason for your response to question 4:

5. Are the National Bridge Inspection Standards too loose? __Yes,   __No,   __Don't know.

5a. Please discuss the reason for your response to question 5:

6. What question would you ask that has not been asked?

7. What question(s) would be appropriate to ask via an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) of those using the NBIS, 23 CFR 650 subpart C?

Completed by:
Name: _________________________________
Title: __________________________________
Years working with the NBIS: ______________

Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire. Please return the questionnaire via e-mail to Wade F. Casey, P.E. at wade.casey@fhwa.dot.gov as soon as possible. If you prefer, you can also fax your response to Wade at (202) 366-7495. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Wade at (202) 366-9487.

Memo and Attachment in Word format (doc, 66 kb)

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