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Geotechnical Engineering


Geotechnical Engineering - Ground Improvement Methods

DOT LogoMemorandum
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Subject: INFORMATION: Demonstration Project
No. 116 - Ground Improvement Methods -
Project Announcement
Date: April 13, 1999
From: /s/ David H. Densmore
David H. Densmore
Director of Bridge Technology
In Reply
Refer to:


To: Resource Center Directors
Division Administrators
Program Manager, Federal Lands Highway

The Geotechnical Engineering Group of the Office of Bridge Technology has developed Demonstration Project No. 116 (DP116) "Ground Improvement Methods." The demonstration project consists of the following services: a 2½ day workshop on a variety of ground improvement methods (grouting, vertical wick drains, stone columns, vibrocompaction, lightweight fill materials, dynamic compaction, soil nailing, mechanically stabilized earth, soil mixing and micropiles), focused 1-day seminars, technical assistance for all phases of project development on ground improvement projects, and experimental evaluations of unusual and major applications. The attached flyer contains detailed information on the scope of DP116.

The basic concept behind ground improvement technologies is to improve or modify poor and marginal in situ soil and rock conditions to meet project foundation requirements. One or more ground improvement methods on a project can: increase bearing capacity, control vertical and lateral deformations, decrease imposed loads, improve lateral stability, increase resistance to liquefaction, form a seepage cutoff and fill subsurface voids. Implementation of these methods has enabled the successful construction of the following highway features: fill and cut earthworks, tunnels, culverts, retaining walls and structural foundations. The versatility of these methods makes them attractive to both new construction and rehabilitation of existing features. These methods have been successfully used on many sites with great success but are generally not fully integrated into transportation practice because of a technical knowledge gap outside of the specialty contracting community. The objective of DP116 is to mainstream these versatile tools into routine practice in safe and cost-effective applications by proving a fundamental technical understanding to the technical transportation community.

Your assistance in distributing the attached copies of the project flyer is requested. This demonstration project will be of interest to design generalists (project planners, roadway designers, consultant reviewers), design specialists (geotechnical and structural), construction engineers, and specification and contracting specialists. We appreciate your assistance in providing this project maximum exposure to the State departments of transportation and Federal Lands Highway Divisions.

The project scope can be tailored to local agency needs and issues. Any and all of the services available through the project may be requested. Agencies interested in requesting DP116 services should contact Mr. Jerry DiMaggio of the Office of Bridge Technology. All requests should be made through the FHWA Division Bridge engineer. Copies of the flyer will be distributed directly to each Resource center, Division and Federal Lands Divisions. Division Offices will receive sufficient copies for distribution to the appropriate offices and divisions within their State DOT. Questions regarding scheduling and the technical content of this project should be referred to Mr. DiMaggio at 202-366-1569.


This page last modified on 08/13/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration