NOAA Research

Stewards of the Great Lakes

What does the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory do for the nation?

Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) science helps protect life and property, economic well-being, and sustain the ecosystem health of the Great Lakes and other U.S. coastal ecosystems. GLERL provides coastal constituents and Federal, State and international decision and policy makers with scientific understanding of the sources, pathways, fates, and effects of toxicants; natural hazards such as severe waves, storm surges, and ice; ecosystems and their interactions, including the threat and impact of invasive species (e.g. zebra mussels); changes in water levels of the Great Lakes; and regional effects related to global climate change. GLERL's research is mandated by 12 Federal statutes, one Executive Order, and the U.S.- Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.

GLERL's mission is to "conduct high-quality research and provides scientific leadership on important issues in both Great Lakes and marine coastal environments leading to new knowledge, tools, approaches, awareness and services." Key research activities include:

Recent Accomplishments:

What's next for GLERL?

Expand Ecosystem Forecasting Capabilities - Over its 30-year history, GLERL's ecosystem focus and multidisciplinary approach toward understanding Great Lakes physical, chemical, and biological processes have produced unique scientific products and long-term observations. In the future, this valuable knowledge and expertise, coupled with laboratory, field and modeling research will provide for development of new process-level ecological models and novel forecasting tools, and resultant societal and economic benefits that they will provide. As part of its effort to design and create reliable and accurate ecological forecasting capabilities, GLERL has consolidated its research activities within four components:

Research Partnerships:

The Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER) is NOAA's only Joint/Cooperative Institute dedicated to freshwater research. Established in 1989, CILER promotes collaborative research between GLERL, the University of Michigan, Michigan State University and other academic institutions throughout the Great Lakes Basin. The Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research (CICOR), established in 1999 works with the NOAA laboratories and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. CICOR research focuses on coastal ocean and nearshore processes, the ocean's role in climate and climatic variability, and marine ecosystem processes. GLERL is the host NOAA institution. Additionally, through partnerships, GLERL conducts collaborative research with a wide array of over 150 research institutions at the state, regional, national and international levels.

Budget and Staff

The FY 2003 enacted budget for the GLERL budget lines totaled $8.4M, and its request for FY 2004 totaled $8.9M. GLERL has 54 federal employees, 1 contractor, and 20 Joint Institute employees.

GLERL logoFor more information, contact:

Dr. Stephen Brandt, Director
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
2205 Commonwealth Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
Phone: (734)741-2244

April 28, 2004