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Marine & Global Geophysical Data


Search NGDC's Marine Trackline Geophysics database to find all gravity data, as well as bathymetry, magnetics, and seismic navigation data collected during marine cruises from 1953 to the present. Coverage is worldwide. Data sources include both US and foreign oceanographic institutions and government agencies.

Gravity Reports, Posters, & Data Products - Marine & Non-Marine

Data Download: Antarctic airborne gravity data (2008)

Free-Air Gravity Anomalies Over the Thwaites Glacier Catchment, West Antarctica. Diehl, et al., 2008.

Data Download: Gravity Data - Land and Marine (1999)

Collection of land and marine gravity surveys, grids, models and geoids. Access software and data documentation included.

CD-ROM: Aeromagnetic and Bouger Gravity Data from Bolivia (1999)

Bolivian altiplano and Cordillera Occidental, Bolivia, aeromagnetic and gravity data.

Poster, Report MGG-9: Predicted Seafloor Topography (1994)

A polar stereographic view of seafloor topography from 30 deg. to 70 deg. south latitude estimated from satellite altimetry data and extent, acoustic bathymetry. Size: 36 x 48 inches.

Poster, Report MGG-8: Southern Ocean Gravity Field from GEOSAT (1993)

Satellite gravity for the South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, the Scotia and Tasman Seas and smaller seas around Antarctica from 30 deg. to 72 deg. south latitude. Size: 30 x 40 inches.

Poster, Report MGG-6: Gravity Field Over the Southern Ocean from GEOSAT (1992)

This color-shaded gravity image, derived from GEOSAT satellite altimetry between latitudes 60 deg. S and 72 deg. S in the Circum-Antarctic region, highlights the gravitational effect of ocean floor topography. Size: 24 x 36 inches.

Atlas, Report MGG-7: Gravity Field Atlas of the Southern Ocean (1992)

Gravity Field Atlas of the S. Ocean - Report MGG-7, high resolution gravity fields for the Southern Ocean from GEOSAT satellite radar altimeter data. The circum-Antarctic region between 60 deg. S & 72 deg. S is divided into 6 geographic regions.