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The Judiciary's Budget

One of the key functions of the Judicial Conference and of the Administrative Office (AO) relates to the Judiciary's budget. The Judicial Conference and its Executive Committee, Budget Committee, and program committees with specific financial responsibilities play key roles in budget formulation and budget execution for the federal Judiciary. The AO develops budget estimates for consideration by the Judicial Conference and its committees. Once the Conference approves the budget request for the Judiciary, the AO prepares the necessary supporting materials for Congress and carries out liaison with the Senate and House appropriations committees' staff.

In developing the budget request, a variety of statistical and analytical techniques are used, including caseload forecasts and sophisticated work-measurement formulas, in conjunction with year-round program analysis and review of actual expenditures. The entire budget-formulation process takes about 18 months from the time estimates are developed until the appropriations bill for the Judiciary is enacted.

Once an appropriation is enacted by Congress, the Executive Committee approves a spending plan for the federal Judiciary. The AO implements the plan by alloting funds to the courts. Under budget decentralization, each court unit controls its own budget and can shift resources among activities to meet its needs. The agency provides technical assistance and guidance in the obligation and disbursement of appropriated funds in accordance with existing statutes and Judicial Conference guidelines, and maintains the Judiciary's official financial systems and accounting records.

Judiciary Budget Facts and Figures


