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Message from the Director, John Gillis

Day of Remembrance To Honor Memories
of Murder Victims and Their Survivors

September 8, 2008

Murder abruptly ends the unique hopes, dreams, and human potential of each victim. Sadly, the devastation doesn’t end with the loss of an irreplaceable life, as the victim’s family and friends face lives forever altered by the crime. As the father of a murdered child, I know firsthand the desolation of such an indescribable loss.

The tragedy of homicide is repeated every 30 minutes in cities, towns, and rural communities across the Nation. Since 2000, more than 130,000 individuals have been murdered in the United States, including 17,054 victims in the past year alone. As bleak as that sounds, statistics do not adequately convey the impact of this horrific crime on the survivors, who struggle to cope in the aftermath.

On September 25, 2008, our Nation will honor these courageous Americans and the memories of their loved ones at the second formal observance of the National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims. As the federal agency dedicated to giving crime victims a voice, the Office for Victims of Crime is honored to join with the National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children (POMC) in supporting a special ceremony in Washington, DC. Members of Congress, family members of murder victims, and representatives of victim assistance organizations are all expected to gather to honor the memories of loved ones and express support to their survivors.

We cannot restore wholeness to the lives of those who have suffered great loss. We can, however, remember the victims and reach out to their survivors, whose courage is a continuing source of inspiration.

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This document was last updated on September 09, 2008