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Nancy Kichak
Associate Director, SHRP


Standard Form (SF)-113, Reporting in the Fiscal Year 2006 -- REVISION

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The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) are revising the fiscal year (FY) 2006 data submission schedule for the Full-Time Equivalent/Work-Year Civilian Employment SF-113G form. The complete SF-113 submission schedule was issued by OPM on July 29, 2005 and Federal agencies were asked to follow a 27 pay period submission schedule for their SF-113A and G submissions. Instead of 27 pay periods, we are asking agencies to follow a 26 pay period submission schedule for their SF-113G submissions and calculate work-years on the form using the traditional 2,080 compensable hours.

Four attachments accompany this memorandum. The first part of Attachment 1 explains how to complete the Federal Civilian Employment SF-113A form. The July 29, 2005 memorandum said if agencies report data to OPM on a pay period basis, then SF-113A data will cover 27 pay periods in FY 2006. This detail remains unchanged from the original memorandum.

We modified the second part of Attachment 1 and it now says SF-113G submissions must cover 26 pay periods. The original memorandum said 27. Employment, full-time equivalent and work-year data covering the pay period September 18, 2005 through October 1, 2005, are not to be included in SF-113G report totals. Agencies will instead send their September 18 - October 1, 2005, work year value (Grand Total Line 9b, column 4 of the SF-113G) to OPM via email or add it as a footnote to their SF-113G October 2005 submission.

Attachments 2 and 3 have the "monthly" and "pay-period" submission schedules for the SF-113A form. Attachment 4 has the revised submission schedule for the SF-113G form.

Agencies are required to send both forms to OPM by the 15 th of the month following the report month. OPM requests these data from agencies to satisfy 5 CFR part 9. Data collected from the SF-113A and G enable OMB, and other key Federal officials, to analyze and make decisions concerning the Federal civilian workforce.

We appreciate your continued cooperation and ask that you direct any SF-113 data submission questions to Willie Powers at (202) 606- 2956 or by email at Willie.Powers@OPM.GOV.

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4

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