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Frequently Asked Questions - Local Area Network

F.A.Q. SEFSC Local Area Network

What is a LAN?
The SEFSC Local Area Network (LAN) is a collection of switches, fiber optic cables, copper wire, and network cards, which connect personal computers, data base and application servers through a Primary Domain Controller.  The PDC manages the internet addresses for a specific site.  The SEFSC local area network allows our user group to connect personal computers to shared applications and data, complete data base queries, and send reports to printers located within our campus.  The building LAN also provide access to the NOAA Fisheries Wide Area Network (WAN) and the Internet.
Who can access the SEFSC LAN Servers?
Personnel (users) that are employed or contracted by the Federal government and located at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center are allowed access to the SEFSC local area network.  These include: federal full time, federal part time, temporary, contractor, student, and grantee employees.
How does a user get a user account on the LAN?
A Division Chief, Branch Leader, or Group Leader within the SEFSC is the authorizing official and is responsible for allowing a user access to the LAN.  A SEFSC Systems Access Application form must be completed for each individual requiring access to the LAN.  The authorizing official must sign and insure the completeness and accuracy of the information required on the access form. The completed forms are submitted to the IRM for processing.  Each individual requesting access to the LAN must have completed, signed, and submitted a Statement of Non-Disclosure after having read the NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, A Protection of Confidential Fisheries Statistics.  The form must be signed, dated, and witnessed.
How does a user access the LAN (id/password)?
Each user that has requested and completed the required forms will have a LAN User-Id and Password assigned when their account on the server is created. The individual's computer will have the required software installed and a connection made to the LAN lines by an IRM representative. The computer will be configured such that the access to the LAN will be initiated at start-up time. A window will be displayed asking for the LAN User-Id and Password. Upon successful completion of the log-in process, all designated directories and files within the privilege of that user will be available.
How does a user change their LAN password?
Do to the wide varieties, makes, and models of desktop, laptop, and notebook computers that may have access to the LAN, the process of changing your LAN password may vary. With most of the windows models the use of the 'Help' for the particular computer is the best way to determine how to change your LAN password.
For most computers, click:
    1. Start, then Help option to display the help topics.
    2. Locate and display the Password section that should have a Changing Password topic.
    3. By double clicking the Changing topic, the available option for changing passwords should be displayed. There
        should be a topic for changing the password and one for changing the local or windows password.
    4. Select the Network option and double click.
    5. Instructions should be displayed stating how to accomplish the change.
How can a user access the NOAA Fisheries' mail server and SEFSC's data base servers?
All user computers that have accounts and access to the LAN will have access to the Internet.  Communications software which will allow access to NOAA Fisheries' servers may be installed on your PC.  You can download Netscape Communicator This is the primary browser used to access the NMFS HQ Mail Server.  The installation of the Cisco VPN application will allow a PC not located within our LAN to access both NOAA Fisheries mail and SEFSC data base servers.
 Supported Applications 

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