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XML Community of Practice        

Completed Documents

See also Meeting Minutes & Presentations

FIRM Forum Agenda at the Government Accountability Office (GAO), September 24, 2008

Balisage Conference Agenda August 12 - 15, 2008

XML Versioning Symposium Agenda August 11, 2008

Federal Computer Week (FCW)/Government Computer News (GCN) Webinar, sponsored by Mark Logic, Presentation on XML in the Federal Government, July 29, 2008

Names and Definitions of OASIS Customer Information Quality (CIQ) elements, provided by David Webber, May 26, 2008

OASIS Open Standards Symposium Agenda & Presentations, April 28 - 30, 2008

CollabEx Workshop Agenda & Presentations on ID Management, April 30, 2008

SOA eGov Conference Agenda & Presentations, April 30 & May 1, 2008

Content Convergence/Integration Conference Presentations, March 12 - 14, 2008

Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Consolidated Reference Model (CRM) 2.3 in XML Format

Collaborative Expedition Workshop on Record-Keeping, Agenda & Presentations, July 17 & 18, 2007

Federal Computer Week (FCW) Article on OOXML, July 16, 2007

Government Health IT Article on the Need for XML Standard for Application Event Logs, July 16, 2007

Government Computer News (GCN) Article on Open Document Format (ODF) & Office Open XML (OOXML), July 2, 2007

W3C .gov Transparency Conference Agenda (with links to presentations) & Papers (abstracts for proposed presentations), June 18 & 19, 2007

OASIS Webinar Presentations

X-Pubs Conference Program, June 4 & 5, 2007

Gilbane Content Management Conference Program, June 4 - 6, 2007 -- Tagging Session Descriptions:

Why are simple code lists so complex? Presentation by Anthony B. Coates, May 9, 2007

XBRL-US Public Sector Conference Agenda, May 8, 2007

Strategic Information Management: The Roles of XML, StratML & Records Management, April 19, 2007 - HTML | PPT

Process-Based Financial Reporting, Association of Government Accountants (AGA), April 2007

Federal Information & Records Managers (FIRM) Council Forum at FOSE, March 20, 2007 - Announcement | CFP | Agenda | Evaluation Form | Presentations:

  • Introducing the Pecha Kucha Presentations, Owen Ambur & Laura Bell - HTML | PPT
  • IAC's White Paper on Records Management Metrics, Dr. Mark Giguere & & Dr. Rick Klobuchar - HTML | PPT
  • NARA's Records Management Service Component (RMSC), Melvin Greer - HTML | PPT
  • Department of Defense (DoD) Standard 5015.2, Ron Kelly - HTML | PPT
  • Navy Records Management Metrics, Matt Staden - HTML | PPT
  • GPO's Future Digital System (FDSys), Selene Dalecky - HTML | PPT
  • NIST's Long-term Knowledge Retention (LTKR) Project, Josh Lubell - HTML | PPT
  • World Bank Records, Archives, and Transparency Initiatives from the World Bank Group Archives, Elisa Liberatori Prati - HTML | PPT
  • Site Maps Standard, JL Needham - PDF

Security & Exchange Commission (SES) Interactive Data (XBRL) Roundtable Agenda, March 19, 2007

Open Publish Conference Program, March 7 - 9, 2007

Transforming Financial Information – Use of XBRL in Federal Financial Management, Financial Information Sharing (FIS) Subcommittee, Financial Management Committee, Collaboration and Transformation SIG, Industry Advisory Council (IAC), American Council for Technology (ACT), February 2007 White Paper

Update Presentations at CollabEx Workshop, February 27, 2007

  • Security Assurance Markup Language (SAML) & Liberty Alliance
  • Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
  • Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI)

Alice Marshall's blog concerning NCC-AIIM's Meeting at which NIEM and GJXDM were discussed, January 29, 2007

U.S. Federal Chief Information Officers Council Strategic Plan for FY2007 - 2009

Federal CIO Top Ten Challenges Survey Report, AFFIRM, December 2006

XML 2006 Conference Progam & Presentations, December 5 - 7, 2006

XBRL International Conference Schedule, December 4 - 6, 2006

e3C Conference Agenda, December 4 - 6, 2006

Corel Announcement of Support for ODF & OOXML, November 29, 2006 CoP Charter Extension, November 2006

Information Sharing Environment Implementation Plan, November 2006

FIRM Forum Agenda, November 15, 2006

GCN Online Forum Transcript on Microsoft Vista, November 9, 2006

XML @Boeing Conference Proceedings, November 9, 2006

Raines' Rules Revisited: Lessons Learned & Roads Not Taken in the Era of Service-Oriented, Component-Based Architecture, October 24, 2006 - [HTML] | [PPT]

Government Printing Office (GPO) XML Plans, Government Computer News (GCN) Online Forum Transcript, October 18, 2006

Banking on Documents: Suncorp needed a single system to distribute 140 million documents per year, Article, James Dukart, E-Doc Magazine, September/October 2006

SEC XBRL Contracts Announcement, September 25, 2006

Profiling XML Schema Article, Paul Kiel,, September 20, 2006

OASIS SOA Reference Model, August 2006

Implementing XML Schema Naming and Design Rules: Perils and Pitfalls, Presentation, Extreme Markup Languages Proceedings, August 2006

DoD Metadata Working Group Meeting Agenda, July 19, 2006

Overview of the Federal XML Naming & Design Rules & Guidelines (NDRG)/XML Schema Guidelines (XSG), July 13, 2006 - [HTML] [PPT] [SHW]

Citizen-Centered eGov: The Importance of Standards, June 27, 2006 - [HTML] [PDF]

Government Computer News (GCN) Article on Vista, June 5, 2006

RSS & Atom White Paper, May 16, 2006

AIIM iECM Consortium Announcement, May 15, 2006

Records Management and the Federal Enterprise Architecture, OpenText Government User Group Meeting, May 8, 2006 - [HTML] [PDF]

XML Naming & Design Rules & Guidelines (NDRG) Meeting Notes, May 4, 2006

Project Management Schema Update, Joan Ugljesa, NDIA, May 3, 2006 - [HTML] [PPT]

XML (MDDL, RIXML, FIXML & XBRL) for Finance Conference Program, May 3, 2006

Semantic Data Services: Enterprise Data Interoperability, Brooke Stevenson, May 1, 2006, White Paper - [HTML] [DOC]

Empowering SOA: Four Critical Steps to Systems Modernization for Federal Agencies, Michael Curry, April 20, 2006

Review of RFC 3470: Guidelines for the use of XML, April 18, 2006

Strategy Markup Language (StratML) Value Proposition, White Paper, April 18, 2006

DoD 8320.02-G, Guidance for Implementing Net-Centric Data Sharing, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, Department of Defense Chief Information Officer, April 12, 2006

CENDI Workshop on PDF, XML & Document/Content/Records Management, April 6, 2006 - Agenda & Presentations

XML in Government: Promise and Politics, Information Week Article, March 20, 2006

Emerging Technology & XML Session Description, FedCASIC Conference, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), March 16, 2006

Semantic Web Primer for Object-Oriented Software Developers, W3C, March 9, 2006

UN/CEFACT XML Naming and Design Rules Version 2.0, February 17, 2006

Government Computer News (GCN) Article on Microsoft's XML File Formats, February 20, 2006

XBRL Presentations at Brookings Institution, February 1, 2006

XBRL-US Presentations January 17 - 19, 2006

XML-related Presentations at Records & Information Management (RIM) Conference, January 18 & 19, 2006

New York XML Leadership Articles - FCW & GCN

XML 2005 Proceedings & Slides

Letter of commendation for work on the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Data Reference Model (DRM) 2.0, December 29, 2005

EEIRS RFI Response Analysis, December 2005

Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 212 of the eGov Act, December 17, 2005

The Roles of Databases, Documents, KM, XML, and the FEA DRM, Storage to Knowledge Conference, October 11, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

Leveraging for Collaboration, September 20, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

Semantic Web/Ontologies Article, September 6, 2005

EAI/EII/ETL Article, August 12, 2005

Agenda for FIRM Forum on FEA DRM, August 9, 2005

Federal XML Naming and Design Rules Changes Proposed by the IC Metadata Working Group Staff, July 19, 2005

Data Reference Model (DRM) CollabEx Workshop Agenda, July 19, 2005

XBRL-US Public Day Program, July 19, 2005

W3C XSD Experiences Workshop, June 21 & 22, 2005
Agenda | Chairs' Report | Minutes - Day 1 & Day 2

Data Reference Model (DRM) Forum, June 13, 2005

CENDI XML Security/Query Workshop Agenda, June 13, 2005

Report on XML Registry and Repository for the Education Community (XML R&R), June 8, 2005 (Posted July 25, 2005)

Microsoft Announces Open XML File Formats, June 1, 2005

Using Federal Procurement Data System - Next Generation (FPDS-NG) XML Data Archives Guide, May 20, 2005

Articles on .NET, June 3, & J2EE, February 25, 2005

Chief Architects Forum (CAF) & Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Glossary, May 3, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

Developing a Common Set of Federal Naming & Design Rules, April 28, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

An XML-Based Glossary/Thesaurus Approach for the Federal Government

  • Proposed Schema for .gov Thesauri, March 11, 2005
  • March 17, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]
  • February 25, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT] (local copy)

Overview & Stutus Report on the Site/Process, February 17, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

GCN Articles, February 7, 2005 - Registries | Promise of XML | FEA Semantics

MS/Gates Interoperability by Design Memo, February 3, 2005

XML for eRulemaking Forum February 8

  • ACR Meeting Agenda February 4 - 7

Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Data Reference Model (DRM) Success Strategy, February 3, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

  • FCW Article on DRM, February 3, 2005

Request for Comments (RFI) on Data Harmonization and Visualization Tools, February 1, 2005 - [HTML] | [DOC]

Plan for Derived XML Registry, January 19, 2005 - [HTML] | [DOC]

Extended Metadata Registry (XMDR) Project Overview, January 28, 2005

Department of the Navy (DON)

Guide to Enterprise Information Integration (EII), January 2005

Integrated Enterprise Content Management (iECM) Standard Proposal Approved - CoP Forming, January 2005

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), OASIS Business Centric Methodology Technical Committee, January 10, 2005 - [HTML] | [PPT]

Presentations at Global Justice Information Sharing Meeting, January 7, 2005

  • Disaster Management eGov Initiative - [HTML] | [PPT]
  • Common Alerting Protocol - [HTML] | [PPT]
  • Incident Management - See Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Site

Core Data Type Person Presentation, DHS Core Data Types Focus Group, December 2, 2004 - [HTML] | [PPT]

U.S. Federal Government XML Efforts in 2004, Survey Results, Ken Sall, Silosmashers

XML 2004 Conference Papers & Presentations, November 16 - 18, 2004

Statement of Purpose & FY 2005 Spend Plan, Architecture & Infrastructure Committee (AIC), CIO Council (CIOC)

NCC-AIIM Educational Seminar, November 4, 2004

  • XML Metadata, Owen Ambur - [HTML] [SHW] [XML]
  • XML Profile of the FEA DRM, Michael Daconta - [HTML] [PPT]

Statement of Purpose, Architecture & Infrastructure Committee (AIC), CIO Council, October 2004

Forum on XML Authoring/Editing & Content Management
of Legislative & Regulatory Documents, September 21, 2004

Intelligence Community Metadata Working Group's XML Technologies and Tools Consumer Report

Proposal for Standard XSD for Earned Value Management, Joan Ugljesa, April 2004 - [HTML] | [PPT]

  • August 2004 Update - [HTML] | [PPT]

IRS XML Stakeholders Meeting Report, March 22, 2004

Chief XML Strategist Draft Position Description

The Emerging Technology Lifecycle Management Process, Emerging Technology Components Conference, January 26, 2004 - [HTML] [SHW]

How the U.S. Government Is Using XML, XML 2003 Conference Paper, December 11, 2003

The Emerging Technology Lifecycle Management Process, XML 2003 Town Hall Meeting, December 9, 2003 - [HTML] [SHW]

Possible Futures: Metadata and the Homeland-Security Mission, November 20, 2003 [HTML] [PPT]

OASIS Search Service Interoperability Working Draft, November 17, 2003

Human Markup Language and Government-Related IT Initiatives, Part 1, November 2003 [HTML] [DOC]

XML Papers @ER2003 Conference October 13-16
XML Schema & Data Management Workshop Program October 13

EPA's XML Design Rules & Conventions for the Environmental Information Exchange Network, Version 1.0, September 2003
XML & Schema Design Rules

XML Authoring/Editing Tool Forum, September 29, 2003
Agenda | Vendor Information & Presentations | Attendee Organizations | News Coverage - GCN &

eForms for eGov Components Team Report, September 29, 2003

Recommended XML Namespace for Government Organizations, August 2003

Concept Paper for Operational Global Justice XML Registry/Repository Capability, August 20, 2003

Measuring the Value of IT Investments, One Business Case at a Time, White Paper, June 30, 2003 - [HTML] [DOC]

Homeland Security Convention Agendas

GAO's National Preparedness Report (See Q&A #6)

NASA XML Business Case, June 11, 2003

FY 2004 IT Budget Line Items Expressly Referencing XML, June 5, 2003

Pilot to Assess Readiness of XML Web Services for eGov Initiatives, Brand Niemann, June 2, 2003 - [HTML] [PPT]

Ken Sall's Demo of Per Diem Rates as an XML Schema

CENDI Presentations on XML for STI, April 30, 2003

Content Management Strategies Conference Presentations, April 28 & 29, 2003

MITRE XML Technology SIG Agenda, April 21 & 22, 2003

CIOC AIC Presentation at FOSE, April 9, 2003 - [HTML] [PPT]

UDDI & ebXML Registry: A Co-Existence Paradigm, Booz, Allen, Hamilton, March 2003

E-Forms for E-Gov, Draft Pilot Project Charter, Web Services WG, February 21, 2003

OAGIS - A Canonical Business Language, Open Applications Group, February 19, 2003 Registry/Repository Business Case, Booz Allen Hamilton, January 2003

Enabling Knowledge Discovery: Taxonomy Development at NASA (white paper), January 7, 2003

eForms for eGov: Use of XML Standards-Based Applications, Brand Niemann, December 27, 2002

Karen Evans' Vision for CIOC, December 17, 2002 (local copy)

Web Services Working Group Update, December 17, 2002

Software and Data Requirements for the XML Registry for the EPA-State National Environmental Information Exchange Network, November 25, 2002 - [HTML] [DOC]

Notes from the eAuthentication Forum, November 21, 2002

eRegs, eRecords & XML: To Create a More Perfect Union, Presentation to the eReg COP, November 18, 2003

Organization of Fish & Wildlife Information Managers, Annual Meeting Agenda, November 1 - 6, 2002

  • XML Overview & Capabilities Presentation, Ken Sall, November 4, 2002

  • Government Without Boundaries & Recreation Markup Language, John Clark, November 4, 2002 [HTML | PPT]

E-records Management: Building a Less Paper Government Presentation, September 24, 2002 (Note: This event was canceled.)

Amended & Extended Charter, September 23, 2002

Information Sharing & Homeland Security Convention Presentation, August 20, 2002

XML Registry Business Case Status Reports

Brainstorming Survey Results & Thumbnails, August 14, 2002

Government On-Line Network XML Survey Results, August 6, 2002

NIST Namespace Management Workshop Presentations, July 26, 2002

eGov Project Milestones, June 2002

Web Services Issue Alert, May 2002 (local copy)

Brainstorming Ideas, April 29, 2002

DoD XML Registration Policy, April 22, 2002 (local copy)

Registry Standards Harmonization Project Status Report, April 17, 2002

Electronic Government: Challenges to Effective Adoption of the Extensible Markup Language. GAO Report to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, April 2002

eGov Projects & Milestones, April 2002

EPA VoiceXML Project Documentation for CIO Council "Technology Innovation" Award, March 20, 2002

Statement of Work for Site Upgrade

eGov Strategy, President's Management Agenda, February 27, 2002 (local copy)

GSA Newsletter on XML Applications in Government, January 2002

Special Strategy Meeting Announcement, November 16, 2001

Records Management Metadata Workshop Overview, Agenda, Attendees & Meeting Notes, November 15, 2001 (local copy)

XML in a Citizen-Centered E-Government: Having Our Cake and Eating It Too, November 9, 2001

eGov Projects News Release & Summaries, October 25, 2001

FedWeb Talking Points, September 20, 2001

Comments on OMB Info Quality Guidelines, August 7, 2001

LMI Federal Tag Standards Report, June 2001

FIRM eGov Forum Presentation, June 6, 2001

LMI Registry Report, May 2001

Secure E-Business Presentation, May 7, 2001

COAX Talking Points, April 24, 2001

HRTC Talking Points, April 6, 2001

Scott Hoffman's Best Practices, March 19, 2001

Brian Hopkins' Strategic Thoughts, February 14, 2001

Call for Participation, January 19, 2001 (local copy)

FY 2002 Business Case to EIEITC, December 4, 2000 Prototype (formerly hosted at NIST)

Issues Raised in DFAS XBRL Proof of Concept

Announcement of XML Working Group, September 25, 2000 (local copy)

XML Working Group Charter, June 2000

LMI's Recommendations on Getting Started with XML in the Federal Government, June 2000 [Word] [PPT]

eXtensible Markup Language (XML): Greek, Esperanto, Panacea or Snake Oil? June 9, 2000

Recommendations of the Ad Hoc XML Working Group, May 18, 2000 (local copy)

ISO/IEC 11179 Metadata Registry Recommendation, April 12, 2000 

The Adhocracy on XML for Uncle Sam (taXus), April 3, 2000 (local copy)

XML-Related Opportunities, March 9, 2000 (local copy)

Genesis of the XML Working Group, February 16 - 22, 2000

Intelligence Community XML (white paper), SAIC, November 3, 1999

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