Powering the Nuclear Navy - Y-12 supplies the U.S. Navy with feedstock material for fabrication of nuclear fuel.
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Naval Reactors

The Y‑12 National Security Complex processes highly enriched uranium for use by the Naval Reactors Program for Naval Nuclear Propulsions. Y‑12's support of the Naval Reactors program began in fiscal year 2002 and is currently planned through FY 2050 and beyond. National Security Programs is the Y‑12 organizational division that provides technical support and project management to ensure Naval Reactor's requirements are met.

The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program is an integrated program carried out by the Department of Energy and the Department of the Navy. The scope of the program was defined by an Executive Order issued by President Reagan. Within the Department of Energy, responsibility for the program rests with the Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors.

For more information about Y-12's role, email Morris Hassler or call 865.576.8136.