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Forest Highway Program

Approximately 29,000 miles of State and local roads are designated as Forest Highway. As provided in 23 U.S.C. 202, 203, and 204, the program, developed in cooperation with State and local agencies, provides safe and adequate transportation access to and through National Forest System (NFS) lands for visitors, recreationists, resource users, and others which is not met by other transportation programs. Forest highways assist rural and community economic development and promote tourism and travel.

The Federal Lands Highway Office undertakes a major portion of the planning, design and construction with the State highway agencies or the Forest Service undertaking the remainder.

This page gives you an overview of the FHP, its history and the legislation that has shaped it. It also gives a brief description of procedures used in selecting projects and explanation of the roles of the Federal, State, and local agencies that cooperate in the program. Because it is so closely related to the FHP, a brief explanation of the Public Lands Program has also been included.

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Last update: September 7, 2007