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2007 FLH Environment Staff Conference
September 11-12, 2007
Vancouver, WA

FLH Environmental Staff Conference
The inaugural Federal Lands Highway Environment Staff Conference was conducted at the Hilton Vancouver Washington on September 11-12, 2007. Thirty-five participants represented the three FLH Divisions, FLH HQ, FHWA HQ, and the FHWA Resource Center.

The opening remarks provided by Bob Lale, WFL Director of Project Delivery, captured the purpose and intent of the conference:

FLH is charged to deliver projects in some of the most treasured and environmentally sensitive areas in this country. As you know, this is no small task. More and more people, with a critical eye, are watching the work we do. New environmental laws are being added and existing laws are being strengthened at every turn. Our Federal land management partners are struggling to find a balance between the growing need for transportation access and resource preservation. Our program dollars don't go as far as they used to and we are striving to reduce delivery costs. To meet these and other challenges and deliver on our transportation mission, we need to maintain a strong and progressive environmental discipline. We need to build relationships, identify and share best practices, and aggressively pursue opportunities for improvement. This conference helps meet all of those needs.

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Last update: October 3, 2007