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CADD Frequently Asked Questions

Place your shape over the area you want to have shaded. In this example we'll use a "Place Block" command. You can also place a shape using a complex shape or an ellipse... Learn how to plot shaded areas

On each of the workstation are two types of queues. They are print queues and plot queues. There are several differences between them, the two main differences being the networks they run on and the intended use for them... Read about the differences between queues

Go to Start - Settings - Printers and Faxes. In the list of printers you should see an icon that says Add Printer.... Read more

To remove a plot queue simply go to your list of printers/plotters and select the desired queue then... Read more

With most applications other than Microstation you would send your output to a print queue and Microstation would go to a plot queue. This is true with the exception of Geo-Report. In order for the reports to come out correctly, you MUST send it to a plot queue... Read more

How can I create a simple coordinate listing for staking centerline at a given increment? Is there an easy way to store/place the "e" value under the curve data drawn by the D&C Manager? Get answers to these questions and more: Read the GEOPAK 2004 FAQ's

What is the best way to store a chain that is just a straight line? Is there an easy way to store a new profile that is parallel to a previously stored profile? What tool should I use to store my chain...? Get answers to these questions and more: Read the GEOPAK 2001 FAQ's

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Last update: November 23, 2004