Native American Congressional Internships

The Native American Congressional Internship Program provides Native Americans and Alaska Natives with an insider's view of the federal government. Our ten-week internship in Washington, D.C., places students in Senate and House offices, committees, Cabinet departments and the White House, where they are able to observe government decision-making processes first-hand.

In 2009, the Foundation expects to award 12 Internships on the basis of merit to Native Americans and Alaska Natives who:

  • Are college juniors or seniors, recent graduates from tribal or four-year colleges, or graduate or law students;
  • Have demonstrated an interest in fields related to tribal public policy, such as tribal governance, tribal law, Native American education, Native American health, Native American justice, natural resource protection, cultural preservation and revitalization, and Native American economic development.

Announcing the 2008 Udall Interns

Press Release

Find out more about the Internship Program: watch the video

Photo of Earl Johnson, Navajo Nation, 2005 Intern

Every Native American should apply. The program has opened my eyes to the inner workings of the U.S. government. I'm much more aware of certain issues, policies, and legislation that affect Indian tribes. In the future, I hope to share my Udall experiences with Indian tribes and hopefully, they can benefit and learn from them.

- Earl Johnson,
Navajo Nation, 2005 Intern

Award Winners