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Research Personnel Database

What is it?

The Research Personnel Database is U.S. ATLAS's tool for budget and funding, and to respond to Funding Agency requests for details regarding the Collaboration. It is especially used to determine funding levels. Therefore, it is imperative that the database be kept up to date and accurate, so that your funding may be accurately allocated.

Where does the data come from?

The data comes from you, or your institutional representative.  Follow the links below for instructions for completing the database.

                                                             Collaborator                                        Institutional Representative

Where is the database?

The database is located on the U.S. ATLAS server. You access the database through your web browser. Follow this link to the DATABASE. However, we suggest that you review the instructions before you go to the database.

What can the database do for me?

The database can produce several reports which may be useful to you as well as the Program Office and the Funding Agencies. A description of the reports follows. The reports can be printed or may be downloaded in Excel format for further analysis. Selecting a report is as simple as selecting a link and a drop-down box for the format and type of data you want captured in the report.

Standard Institution/Title FTE Report - This report profiles the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) for the selected institution. The report will profile the reporting areas within which time is assigned, summarize the FTEs for each category and subcategory, both at CERN and Not At CERN, as well as FTEs spent on Non-Research Activities and Non-ATLAS Experiments,  and then total the FTEs for ATLAS Time at CERN, ATLAS Time Not At CERN, and Total ATLAS Time. In addition, the report totals the number of CERN trips planned, and provides an average length of stay at CERN. These reports can be produced for each individual category of collaborator (i.e. Term Scientist, Technician, etc.), as well as groups of categories (i.e. All Personnel, Scientific Personnel, etc.). This report can be downloaded as an Excel Spreadsheet.

Reporting Area / Personnel Pivot Report - This report lists each person and their worker category in the institution and profiles the reporting areas within which they are working. It summarizes the percentage of their time for each category and subcategory, and for At CERN and Not At CERN. Finally, it totals the percentage of time on ATLAS and At CERN. Be sure to divide by 100 if you want to know the FTEs.

FTEs by Reporting Area Report - The title is the description. The report simply lists each reporting area and the FTEs within that reporting area in profile, both At CERN and Not At CERN. You can select this report for All Personnel, Scientific Personnel, and Non-Scientific Personnel.

Personnel at CERN 100% by Year Report - This report shows ALL personnel in the database whose time is 100% At CERN for the year selected.

Minority Summary Report - This report summarizes the Minority data captured in the database, as entered. No names or institutions are assigned to this data. It summarizes Ethnicity, Race, Disability Status, and Gender.

Authors Report - This report lists, for each institution, the names and titles of the individuals marked as authors in the database.