Tandem Friends High School, Charlottesville, VA, USA

18 May 1998

GLOBE Students in New Hampshire and in Virginia are making news in Estonia! After visiting with GLOBE Chief Scientist Dr. Dixon Butler in Washington, D.C, a group of Estonian journalists toured GLOBE schools in the Eastern United States to learn more about how computers are used in the classroom.

At Tandem Friends High School, cameras were rolling as the students (pictured here) recorded atmospheric conditions, as well as biometrics. Even the visitors got in the spirit when Kalle Malerg, an Estonian journalist, sent an e-mail to his former high school using GLOBEMail. The Tandem Friends School boasts almost one hundred percent participation by their students on the Internet and with GLOBE. Because of the introduction of GLOBE at Tandem, "Internet use has dramatically increased among the students in our school," reported Mr. Stenz.

Next on their journey, the Estonians visited Portsmouth High in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The GLOBE students also presented their GLOBE activities and other education technology ventures. The visit by the international visitors attracted reporters from three local newspapers!

The Estonians chose to visit Portsmouth because it is a Sister City with Parnu, Estonia. Learn more about GLOBE in Estonia by visiting the Estonia GLOBE Web Page.

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