Robinson Secondary School, Fairfax, VA, USA

15 June 1998

On February 8, 1996, GLOBE students at Robinson Secondary School in Fairfax, Virginia were featured in an exciting Internet event with Tipper Gore, wife of U.S. Vice President Al Gore. Mrs. Gore is a photographer and a big fan of the GLOBE Program, which her husband initiated in April 1994. When Mrs. Gore was invited to take pictures for a special World Wide Web demonstration called "A Day in Cyberspace," she selected to feature a GLOBE school in her photo essay.

Mrs. Gore photographed students in Dr. Marianne Riddile's eighth grade earth sciences class with a special digital camera as they participated in a number of indoor GLOBE activities such as making densiometers, entering GLOBE data, and studying satellite imagery. Although the ground was covered with fresh snow, Mrs. Gore was especially excited to photograph the students outside as they made their daily temperature and precipitation readings at their weather station.

Within seconds of taking the photographs, a special scanner was used to transmit the images to a World Wide Web page where Mrs. Gore's photographs were posted along with pictures from other photographers all over the world.

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