South African School Recognized for Environmental Initiatives

17 March 2006

On 30 January 2006 the South African Indwe Secondary School received an Eco-flag in recognition for their efforts towards environmental awareness.

The Eco Flag is an award of the Eco-Schools Programme, an international program of the Foundation for Environmental Education, supported in part by the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA). This honor is presented to schools worldwide that demonstrate substantial involvement in environmental education activities and initiatives. The Indwe School received their award in January for activities such as developing an herb and vegetable garden, recycling initiatives and for participating in various national and international WESSA events and activities.

The ceremony was attended by officials from the Ministry of Education, Local Municipality - Health department, Maritime Museum, Mrs. McGibbon from Garden Route Environmental Education Network, Moriarty Environmental Centre in George, members from neighboring schools, members from the community and the director of Globe in Africa-Environmental Resource Development and Training.

The GLOBE Program at the Indwe School is lead by Rogeline Brettenny, an assistant Master Trainer for Atmosphere and the secretary for GLOBE Africa Consortium Planning Committee that includes 22 African countries.

For more information about the GLOBE Program in South Africa, contact Dr. Rebecca Boger:


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