GLOBE Stars in Norway, the Czech Republic

22 October 1999

Stars Photo In the interest of promoting student collaboration, Norway and Czech Republic Country Coordinators have joined to promote cooperation and joint activities between schools in their countries. In February 1999, seven Czech and seven Norwegian schools began communicating by GLOBEMail. In May, the GLOBE Country Coordinators and over 35 teachers and administrators met in Prague and Slovice in the Czech Republic to plan further cooperation. Each school gave GLOBE presentations and some presented videos of their GLOBE activities.

The GLOBE Budburst Special Measurement is one area where schools from the two countries are sharing research findings. This past spring, for example, students at the Jordet Skule in Norway and the DDM, Valasske Mezirici in the Czech Republic collaborated on a project where the schools identified found 5 common trees and 10 common flowering plants and compared their budburst dates. They also tracked the migration patterns of 5 common birds . Their findings indicated that most of the trees and plants bud in the Czech Republic about one month before budburst in Norway.

I think this has been a great follow up to the Budburst protocol and is a nice example of cooperation between schools, said Norways GLOBE Coordinator Karl Torstein Hetland The other schools in the Czech- Norway project plan to do something similar.

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