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Sustainable Economies

Sustainable Economies Resources

  • Framework for Success: Fragile States and Societies Emerging from Conflict
    This strategic framework is crafted to be useful to (and ideally shared by) all the actors involved in post-conflict stability and state-building operations (i.e., military, government, NGO, IGO, private sector, and host nation leaders). It is organized around end states the ultimate goals of societies emerging from conflict. It also includes critical leadership responsibilities that are crucial to mission success. This framework is most valuable in planning and organizing operations, but it also has great value as an underlying structure from which training and education programs, monitoring efforts, and coordination mechanisms can cascade. It also has value as an organizing framework for cataloging documents, resources, and effective practices.
    PDF Download the framework (PDF - 853KB)

  • Reconstruction and Stabilization Series (Filling the Gaps)
    USIP's Filling the Gaps series examines essential areas of post-conflict reconstruction and stabilization where performance has been weak, including transitional governance, natural resources, mass media, economic development, and the role of women. For each of these sectors, top practitioners and experts identified best practices and policy options for those who conduct these complex missions.

  • Post-Conflict Reconstruction Essential Tasks (U.S. Department of State)
    This "living" document catalogues the results of interagency working group discussions led by the staff of the State Department’s Office of Coordination for Reconstruction and Stabilization about the requirements to support countries in transition from armed conflict or civil strife to sustaining stability.

  • PDF Minerals & Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention (USAID) (PDF)
    This USAID toolkit seeks to draw the linkages between valuable minerals, development assistance and conflict. The toolkit discuses lessons learned in developing programs to deal with "conflict commodities," and a range of program options. It also offers a survey instrument to identify key questions related to minerals and conflict and identifies relevant USAID mechanisms and implementing partners.

  • PDF Livelihoods & Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention (USAID) (PDF)
    This USAID toolkit seeks to examine the relationship between conflict and people’s livelihoods and offers lessons on developing livelihood programs. It suggests a range of program options designed to reduce livelihood vulnerability, strengthen resiliency, and help people manage conflict-related shocks.

  • PDF Land & Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention (USAID) (PDF)
    This USAID toolkit provides a practical introduction to the issue of land as a causal or aggravating factor in conflict at its various stages. In addition to key issues, it discusses lessons learned, suggests relevant program interventions, offers a rapid appraisal guide to determine the most salience of land issues in a conflict, and offers approaches to the monitoring and evaluation of interventions.

  • PDF Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States & Situations (OECD) (PDF)
    These principles by the OECD are intended to maximize the positive impact of international engagement and minimize unintentional harm to states experiencing problems of weak governance and/or conflict.

  • Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Policy Guidance for Donors (OECD)
    This book pays special attention to the role of private sector development, agriculture and infrastructure in pro-poor growth. It also presents a methodology for conducing ex-ante poverty impact assessment.

  • PDF Conducting Conflict Assessments: Guidance Notes (DFID) (PDF)
    The UK Department for International Development offers a methodology for analyzing conflict, assessing conflict related risks associated with development or humanitarian assistance, and developing options for more conflict sensitive policies and programs.

  • PDF Fragile States- Good Practice in Country Assistance Strategies (World Bank) (PDF)
    This World Bank report draws together lessons from country strategy development and implementation in fragile states to provide a basic framework.

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