King County E-News

King County Executive

What's RSS, and how is King County using it?

RSS, which stands "Really Simple Syndication," is an XML-based format for content distribution. In a beta project, King County distributes headlines and initial sentences of its press releases via RSS, and includes links to the actual press releases as part of the RSS feed.

To access an RSS feed, you'll need an RSS aggregator, of which there are many. You'll find a long list of them here (an external link that includes a pretty thorough explanation of RSS). To access King County's feed, you'll need to have an aggregator that supports RSS version 1.0.

You can view the King County RSS feed through

At this time, King County creates RSS files using, a social-bookmarks managers that enables simple RSS-file creation. While King County has not experienced any problems using, we recognize that it too is a service in development, and cannot be counted on as 100 percent reliable. So, the King County RSS feed may stop working without notice. If that happens, feel free to e-mail us, or check back here in case we've moved to a different solution.

The RSS feed, or " RSS " to those who follow such things, is here.

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Updated: April 24, 2006