September 11, 2008
Public Comment: DRAFT Pregnancy and Perinatology (PP) Branch Report to Council
Each component of the NICHD reports its activities to the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council, the federal advisory committee for the NICHD. The NACHHD Council follows all regulations set forth in the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Beginning in 2005, the Institute implemented a revised process for reporting to the NACHHD Council by expanding the reports to include a section on possible future directions for its extramural Branches, Divisions, and Centers.
To better inform these possible future directions, the Institute also makes a draft of each report available for public comment. This type of feedback is critical to help the NICHD fulfill its mission, while considering the needs of the different communities impacted by NICHD research.
The PP Branch Draft Report
The PP Branch is the latest NICHD component to employ this process. A draft of the PP Branch Report to the NACHHD Council is now available.
Written comments on the draft report should be sent via e-mail to; please use CRH BRANCH REPORT in the subject line of your message.
The period for comments closes on September 25, 2008.
The final PP Branch report will be available later in 2008/early in 2009, both for order and for download.