Dear ,

account =

    PLEASE read this carefully, especially in reference to the four
    SEPARATE passwords.  Random passwords have been provided for
    Kerberos 5, NIS/UNIX, email and legacy AFS access. Please change
    them as soon as possible, as indicated below.


o RCF Kerberos 5

  Currently, the RCF is in the process of migrating to Kerberos 5
passwords. At the end of this migration period you will use this
password to gain interactive access to the RCF and to the RCF AFS
cell, replacing the NIS/UNIX and legacy AFS passwords. However, at
this time the Kerberos 5 password can only be used to gain interactive
access to the RCF via the RCF Ssh Gateways and to internal Linux Farm
resources. Your Kerberos 5 password has been set to the random string
"".  You should log into the RCF facility and change your Kerberos 5
password as soon as possible using the passwd command, /usr/bin/passwd
on the Ssh Gateways.  Information about the Kerberos 5 infrastructure
at the RCF can be found at :

o RCF NIS/UNIX Password

  Currently, your NIS/UNIX password can be used to gain access
to the Ssh Gateways, Linux Farm, RCF2 interactive server and RCF CTS
trouble ticket system. The NIS/UNIX password will be eliminated within
the next month, when Kerberos 5 password functionality has been added
to the RCF2 interactive server and the RCF CTS trouble ticket
system. However, at this time, you will still need your NIS/UNIX
password to access these two resources. Your NIS/UNIX password has
been set to "".

o Legacy RCF AFS Password

  Currently, your Kerberos 5 password will not work with klog, the
native AFS authentication/authorization tool. Although this will
change in the near future, at this time if you use klog to
authenticate to AFS, you will need to use your legacy AFS
password. Your legacy AFS password has been set to "". You should log
in to the RCF facility and change your legacy AFS password as soon as
possible using the kpasswd command, /usr/afsws/bin/kpasswd in Solaris
and /usr/bin/kpasswd in Linux.

o RCF Email Password

  Your RCF Email password can be used to access email that you receive
at the RCF. All mail that goes to your account at the RCF is sent to
the dedicated RCF secure IMAP server, Additional
information about email at the RCF, including how to change your email
password can be found starting at the RCF Email Service web page:

o Logging in to the RCF

  Access to all RHIC Facility computing resources is made
through the RCF Ssh Gateways,, using your Kerberos 5
password (recommended) or your NIS/UNIX password. You will need an Ssh
program that uses Version 2 of the Ssh protocol to get interactive
access to the gateways. Insecure protocols like telnet and rsh are not
supported at the RCF. For more information on Ssh see the following
web page:

If you have problems accessing your account contact us via phone or
email (See the contact information at the end of this message).

o RCF Interactive Facilities

  The ACF provides Linux and Solaris based systems for interactive
use. The main Solaris system is The Linux based
systems are rcasAXXX, where A is 0 for Brahms users, 2 for Phenix
users, 4 for Phobos users and 6 for Star users. The XXX range from 001
to NNN, where the value of NNN depends on the experiment. These
systems are only accessible from the Ssh Gateways.

  The RCF has provided you with storage space on at least one
file system where you may store files. Your home directory,
/<experiment>/u/<username>, where <experiment> is either brahms,
phenix, phobos, or star, resides on an NFS mounted filesystem. You
also may have space available in the AFS filesystem at
/afs/rhic/users/<username>, although this will soon change to
/afs/<username>. The AFS filesystem is visible
anywhere in the world from any system that supports AFS. Authorization
to use this space requires an AFS token which may be obtained klog
(currently requires using your legacy native AFS password).

  Please note that the AFS filesystem differs dramatically from
traditional UNIX file systems with respect to file system permissions.
It is extremely easy to accidently make files world readable in
AFS. This fact, when coupled with its global visibility (unlike NFS),
make AFS security very problematic. Users of AFS are urged to
familiarize themselves with AFS ACLs and their interaction with UNIX
file permission bits. More information about AFS can be found at:

NOTE: To guarantee that you are using the correct binaries, we
      recommend that your PATH environment variable include at
      least these three directories in the following order:
      1) /usr/afsws/bin
      2) /usr/bin
      3) /usr/kerberos/bin
      4) (other directories)

o RCF HPSS account.

  In addition to a normal Unix account, you also have an account on
the HPSS (High Performance Storage System), which communicates with
a tape robot.  Please access the web page listed below; it describes
the "rftp" command, which you can use to access HPSS.

o  Staying up-to-date

    As a user of RCF computers, you SHOULD be a member of the rhic-rcf-l

mailing list.  You will receive all notices concerning shutdowns and
improvements in the resources available to you.  You will NOT be
drowned in email; this is not a high volume mailing list.

    To this end, you have been automatically added to rhic-rcf-l list,
but you must confirm your membership.  You will soon receive an email
from the list with a confirmation number; it will include instructions
as to how to confirm your membership in the rhic-rcf-l list, as well
as how to find out more about the list.

Finally, for information about the RHIC Computing Facility,
visit the RCF web site at

    If you have any problems, let us know.

                                   RCF support staff


        RHIC Project -- Brookhaven National Lab
      Morris M. Strongson  John E. McCarthy
Phone:   (631) 344-4192       (631) 344-5750
Fax:       (631) 344-7616       (631) 344-7616