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Building Safe Communities Newsletter 

March 2007 Issue

Kentucky Coalition Efforts Successful in Madison County
Always Buckle Up ChildrenDuring a Madison County Safety Coalition (MCSC) meeting in the spring of 2005, the Madison County Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Team presented a report on observations made of recent car seat checks that were being conducted at daycare centers. Observations revealed that parents, with good intentions, were placing children in belt positioning boosters, but placing them in the front seat of their vehicles. In addition, the report revealed that many parents did not realize that children 12 years old and under needed to be in the backseat. Other members (school site-based council member, parents) added that during child pickup periods at the schools, kids were also getting in the front seats. This report led to the development of the “Always Buckle up Children in the Backseat Program.” Read more...
  CHCC 2007 Annual Conference
Los Angeles, CA
April 19
  Safe Communities Pilot Workshop
Fort Worth, TX 
May 14-17
  CADCA Free Coalition Training
Boston, MA 
May 16-17
  National Conference
of Black Mayors

Baton Rouge River Center
May 2-6


Share Ideas Nationwide


  Has your coalition been looking for new ideas to promote traffic safety or just successfully completed a traffic safety promotion?  Here is an opportunity for you to share your information nationwide. Contact the Safe Communities Service Center for more information at safe.communities@dot.gov.  
NHTSA Awardees Use Innovative Strategies to Prevent Impaired Driving
Sitting in the back seat of her parent's car, a small child gazes out of her window. In oversized lettering, a message reads—"if you’re a parent, don’t drink and drive." That message is displayed on billboards throughout Hood River, Oregon, reminding parents what's at stake if they drink irresponsibly. This is just one example of the unique strategies used by the Hood River County Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Coalition in Hood River and the Lucas County Community Prevention Partnership, Inc. in Toledo, Ohio to reduce impaired driving and underage drinking in their communities. Both were honored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) last month with a Community Initiative Award. Read more...
Rio Grande Safe Communities Coalition
The Rio Grande Safe Communities coalition (RGSCC) is a bi-national, tri-jurisdictional, U.S.-Mexico border coalition, which includes community based organizations, law enforcement and governmental agencies from El Paso, Texas, Juarez, Mexico, and Las Cruces, New Mexico. The coalition’s border location creates unique problems, such as underage cross border binge drinking, easier drug access in neighboring Mexico and local youth being used as “mules” to transport drugs into the U.S. Read more...
Revere Cares
The Revere CARES (Community Awareness Resources and Education to Prevent Substance Abuse) has been working together for eight years to reduce substance abuse among youth in Revere, Massachusetts, a suburban city five miles north of Boston with a population of 47,283. A wide variety of strategies, including formal community assessments every two years and the formation of a strategic plan every 4 years are employed to design the most effective alcohol and other drug prevention strategies and to build prevention capacity within the coalition and the community. Read more...
NHTSA Presents Awards for Safety Achievements and Public Service
CHICAGO, IL. – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) today announced awards honoring 15 individuals and groups from across the nation for their achievements in highway safety. During a luncheon at the 25th Annual Lifesavers conference, NHTSA Administrator Nicole R. Nason presented and honored the individuals with the public service awards for their work to reduce traffic deaths and injuries across the country. Read more...
Now Accepting Applications

Compassion Capital Fund Application
Non-profit and Faith Base Organizations
Compassion Capital Fund application deadline is May 16.
Click here for the complete funding announcement.

The Office of Community Services is now accepting applications from nonprofit organizations—including faith-based and community organizations—and others to compete for a total of $16.5 million from the Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration Program. The Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration Program awards funds to experienced organizations to deliver capacity building services to faith-based and community organizations through training and technical assistance.

In the Demonstration Program, the grantees (who are referred to as intermediaries) help non-profit's build their capacity in the areas of leadership, organization, program, revenue, and community engagement. Established in 2002, the Compassion Capital Fund is one of the lynchpins of the President’s Faith-based and Community Initiative.
Federal Drug Free Community Grants
Listen to a Grant Audio Workshop
Visit Drug-Free Communities Program to get more information.

On February 27-28 in Las Vegas, NV, a grant application workshop for Native American Communities, focused on Native Americans nationwide to assist in prevention activities for substance abuse, was sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), The National Coalition Institute (NCI) and White Bison. The workshop addressed basic grant information and on hand was previously awarded Native American Drug-Free Communities coalitions to discuss their experiences and success in winning grants.
Safe Communities Workshop on the Road Again
A Safe Communities team comprised of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) staff from headquarters and the regions, Transportation Safety Institute (TSI), seasoned practitioners including coalitions and traffic safety partners from across the Nation, have revised the Safe Communities Workshop materials. In an effort to better meet the current needs of the Safe Communities coalitions and traffic safety partners, the revised workshop will place emphasis on sustainability, diversity outreach, and data analysis. Two pilot workshops are planned. The first pilot is scheduled at the Stockyards in Fort Worth, TX on May 14-17. For more information, contact Judy Hammond by email at judy.hammond@dot.gov.
California Healthy Cities and Communities 2007 Annual Conference
"Building Livable Communities for All Ages"

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lawrence D. Frank, Ph.D., AICP, ASLA
Thursday, April 19, 2007
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Los Angeles, CA
Check the "Events" section of the Center for Civic Partnerships' web site for information and registration: http://www.civicpartnerships.org/
Bike Helmets available to Non-profit Organizations
Head Protection Non-profit organizations looking for bike helmets for child safety campaigns can receive discounts through manufacturers. The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute offers a listing with approximately 70 bike helmet manufacturers in the U.S. and abroad on there web site at http://www.bhsi.org/manulist.htm.
Click It or Ticket Mobilization Coming to Your Community Soon!
This is a new, alternate version of the national CIOT logo for promoting a daytime-night time belt enforcement message.  This logo is not designed to replace the old CIOT logo, rather to augment it.  The logos are available for download in NHTSA’s image library @

Please forward this information to your partners for their use in support of the upcoming Click It or Ticket Mobilization.
“UR the Spokesperson” campaign to empower teens to ‘Speak Up’
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 /PRNewswire/
Car crashes are the number one killer of teens in the U.S. and The Advertising Council wants to put the brakes on this alarming situation. In partnership with a coalition of state Attorneys General and consumer protection agencies, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and AAA (American Automobile Association), the organization launched the UR the Spokesperson campaign today to save lives by reducing youth reckless driving.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data show that, on average, more than 300,000 teens are injured in car crashes each year, nearly 8,000 are involved in fatal crashes and more than 3,500 are killed.

NHTSA research also shows that teen drivers are involved in more than five times as many fatal crashes as adults. Young drivers are more likely to speed, run red lights, make illegal turns, and die in an SUV rollover. Read more...
New Web site Encourages Discussion on a Sense of Community
To encourage community involvement, the Association for the Study and Development of Community has created  www.senseofcommunity.com, a new Web site devoted entirely to exploring ways to develop a sense of community.

The Web site provides an international meeting place for people with a scientific or professional interest in the study or application of a sense of community, and aims to bring together international scholars and practitioners to advance the work on sense of community. Read more...
Kids Safety First - Informational Web SiteCPS Informational Web site
Founded in 2004, Kids Safety First is dedicated to promoting child passenger safety. Kids Safety First offers not only free information to parents and guardians in English, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese, it has games and learning materials for children too. This is a national non-profit organization that has partnered with other organizations like NHTSA, i2net.com, Mitsubishi Motors North America, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and SNARF Productions to develop their dynamic web site that features videos, restraint information, games and fun for kits and more. Visit their web site at http://www.kidssafetyfirst.org/.
Free Management Help On-line Resource
Basic Guide to Non-Profit Financial Management is one of the many documents available on this shared resource site. Although there are many web site with information on how to run your organization, this site is a free management library of multiple links contributed by many professionals. http://www.managementhelp.org/
U.S. Department of Transportation USA Gov - Your First Click to the U.S. Government