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Assistant Director
    Peter H. Fontaine 
Deputy Assistant Directors
    Keith J. Fontenot 
    Theresa A. Gullo 
Division Administrative Assistant
    Darren Young 
State and Local Government Cost Estimates Unit
Unit Chief
    Leo K. Lex 
Administrative Assistant
    Ernestine McNeil 
    Elizabeth Cove (Advancement of Commerce, Housing Credit, Transportation, and General Government)
    Burke O. Doherty (Education, Social Services, Agriculture)
    Melissa Merrell (Administration of justice, homeland security, community development, disaster relief, immigration, Natural Resources)
    Lisa Ramirez-Branum (Health, Income Security, Social Security, Veterans' Affairs)
Scorekeeping Unit
    Janet F. Airis (Legislative Branch appropriations)
Administrative Assistant
    Ernestine McNeil 
    Edward C. Blau (Authorizing and direct spending legislation)
    Joanna (Jodi) Capps (Interior, Labor, HHS, Education appropriations)
    Virginia Myers (Commerce, Justice, financial services, and general government appropriations)
    Jennifer Reynolds (Agriculture, foreign operations appropriations)
    Mark E. Sanford (Homeland security, defense appropriations)
    Esther Steinbock (Transportation, HUD, military construction, VA, energy and water appropriations)
Projections Unit
Unit Chief
    Jeffrey M. Holland 
Administrative Assistant
    Marion C. Curry 
    Barry Blom (Baseline coordination and report writing, monthly Treasury data, federal pay)
    Kenneth R. Farris (Maintenance and enhancement of BADS system and other technical support)
    Mary M. Froehlich (Maintenance and enhancement of BADS system and other technical support)
    Amber G. Marcellino (Other interest, Civil Service Retirement, historical data, baseline coordination and report writing)
    Eric Schatten (Interest on the public debt, trust funds, baseline coordination and report writing)
    Supaphan Siris (Maintenance and enhancement of BADS system and other technical support)
    Patrice L. Watson (Database System Administrator)
Health Systems and Medicare Cost Estimates Unit
Unit Chief
    Thomas B. Bradley 
    Stephanie Cameron (Fee-for-service components of the Medicare program)
    Mindy L. Cohen (Medicare Advantage and programs for low-income Medicare beneficiaries)
    Sarah Evans (Medicare post-acute and dialysis services, Public Health Service)
    J. Timothy Gronniger (Medicare Advantage and Medicare restructuring, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HI Trust Fund)
    Holly Harvey (Restructuring health care delivery and financing systems)
    Lori B. Housman (Medicare: Physicians' services and hospital outpatient services)
    Lara E. Robillard (Medicare and Public Health Service)
Low-Income Health Programs and Prescription Drugs Cost Estimates Unit
Unit Chief
    Kate Massey 
    Julia M. Christensen (UMWA benefits funds, Food and Drug Administration, and prescription drug issues)
    Sean M. Dunbar (Medicaid long-term care, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program)
    Kirstin B. Nelson (Medicaid acute care, and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program)
    Andrea K. Noda (Medicaid, and prescription drug issues)
    Robert W. Stewart (Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program)
Human Resources Cost Estimates Unit
Unit Chief
    Sam Papenfuss 
    Christi Hawley Anthony (Labor, unemployment insurance, Davis-Bacon, Job Corps, AmeriCorps, National Service, National Endowments for Arts and Humanities, the Smithsonian)
    Chad M. Chirico (Housing assistance, education)
    Sheila M. Dacey (Social Security, Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance, Social Security financing, PBGC)
    Kathleen FitzGerald (Food stamps, nutrition programs, immigration)
    Justin Humphrey (Elementary and secondary education, student loans, and Pell grants)
    Deborah A. Kalcevic (Higher education programs)
    Jonathan P. Morancy (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Foster Care and Adoption Assistance, Child Support Enforcement, Children and Family Services, child care, Social Services Block Grant, and immigration)
    David Rafferty (Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs, rehabilitation services, and disability research)
    Jessica L. Sherry (Computer programming and research support for income support and education programs; low-income home energy assistance, refugee assistance, PBGC)
Defense, International Affairs, & Veterans' Affairs Cost Estimates Unit
Unit Chief
    Sarah Jennings 
Administrative Assistant
    Janice M. Johnson 
    John Chin (International development and security, international financial institutions)
    Kent R. Christensen (Defense projections and scorekeeping)
    Sunita C. D'Monte (Conduct of foreign affairs, information/exchange activities, veterans' health care, international development and security, international financial institutions)
    Raymond J. Hall (Navy ships and missiles, defense space programs, missile defense, atomic energy defense activities)
    David B. Newman (Air Force aircraft, forces and operations; other services' aircraft, military construction, military family housing, veterans' housing, base closures)
    Dawn Sauter Regan (Military personnel and compensation)
    Matthew Schmit (Military retirement and health care)
    Jason Wheelock (DoD operations and maintenance, Army procurement, defense infrastructure, homeland security, and chemical weapons)
    Camille Woodland (Veterans' Readjustment Benefits and Reservists' Education Benefits)
    Dwayne Wright (Veterans' compensation, pensions, and other income security programs)
Natural and Physical Resources Cost Estimates Unit
Unit Chief
    Kim P. Cawley 
Administrative Assistant
    Rae Wiseman 
    Leigh S. Angres (Administration of justice, Indian affairs, science, space, and technology)
    Megan E. Carroll (Land management, air transportation, energy, rural electrification)
    Mark T. Grabowicz (Administration of justice, homeland security, Postal Service)
    Kathleen Gramp (FCC spectrum auctions, energy, deposit insurance, Outer Continental Shelf receipts, TVA)
    Gregory H. Hitz (Agriculture)
    Daniel S. Hoople (Community and regional development, FEMA)
    Dave Hull (Agriculture)
    Tyler J. Kruzich (Water resources, land management)
    James A. Langley (Agriculture)
    Susanne S. Mehlman (Rural housing, Federal Housing Administration, other mortgage insurance, GNMA, environmental protection)
    Matthew Pickford (General government)
    Sarah Puro (Ground transportation)
    Deborah S. Reis (Recreational resources, water transportation, legislative branch, land management, Coast Guard)
    Susan Willie (Commerce programs, universal service, SEC, FTC, FCC)

Budget Analysis Division

"Where the action is" in federal budgeting

How much are we spending each month on war in Iraq? What are the cost implications of major immigration reform? How much would it cost to provide federally backed health insurance to all children of low-income families? What investments are states making to prepare for future elections?

The Congress considers hundreds of legislative proposals every year, encompassing major issues such as those highlighted above, as well as many others. By law, each such proposal must receive a price tag before being voted on; CBO's Budget Analysis Division is responsible for providing that price tag. The Congress relies on the division's cost estimates and budget projections to prepare its annual budget plan, evaluate the President's budgetary proposals, and keep track of approximately $3 trillion in yearly federal spending. As a result, the estimates produced by the Budget Analysis Division play a critical role in Congressional actions that affect the nation and the world.

The Budget Analysis Division is CBO's largest, with approximately 75 staff members. Because the division has a high ratio of analysts to managers, those analysts enjoy an unusual amount of individual responsibility, challenge, and visibility. They work closely with Congressional and Administration staff, acting as key links in the legislative and budget processes.

The division contains five units that estimate the cost of legislation in a wide range of subject areas. Four of those units focus on costs to the federal government, and one estimates costs to state, local, and tribal governments. Other units in the division coordinate and report on budget projections, compile estimates for annual appropriation bills, track other key budget figures, and support its computer systems.

Work in the Budget Analysis Division is sometimes hectic, and the pace is closely tied to the ebb and flow of legislative activity on Capitol Hill. Priorities are generally driven by committee actions, but analysts frequently provide budget information to individual Members' offices as well. In keeping with CBO's nonpartisan role, staff of the Budget Analysis Division are responsive and accessible to both the majority and minority parties.

The division seeks people who are adept at digging out information and conducting the analysis necessary to provide critical support to the Congress. Division analysts also must have strong communications skills and be able to juggle a variety of tasks. Most analysts in the division have master's degrees in public policy, public administration, public health, or economics. Some have Ph.D.s in economics or related fields. Analysts come to the Budget Analysis Division with varying levels of experience--from the nation's top-ranked graduate schools, from other federal agencies and state governments, and from private-sector firms.