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BottleRocketSim v.1.0
The Bottle Rocket Simulator by Steven Gutierrez

Suggested Simulator Activites:

  • Is putting a cone on your rocket beneficial?
  • What calculating factors does putting the cone change?
  • Why is putting water in the rocket helpful?
  • What is the popping sound I hear a few seconds after the rocket launches?
  • Why does a bigger bottle help increase thrust?

BottleRocketSim v.1.0 - Application

BottleRocketSim v.1.0 - Simulator will open in new window. If the simulator does not start in a new window it may be because this is a Macromedia Flash SWF file and you will need the Flash player to run the simulator.

For more simulator activities or to begin building your own real-life bottle rocket, visit these sites: - at this site you will find a pdf to build the bottle launcher along with the bottle rocket. -- Instructions to build a bottle rocket.


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