Lesson 6: Subject: Force of air -Does air do work?

Objective: Interpret, organize and graph data using a computer program.

Time: Approximately 45 minutes.

Small group activity


Homework Assignment from Lesson 5 (Extension Activity)

Computer/or graph paper

Group/class data

Computer graphing program or spread sheet capability


1. Place students in small groups.

2. Check to see that all students have completed assignments.

3. Give directions by making a sample graph on board, using homework data from four randomly chosen students.

4. Have students work in groups to create graphs using group data.

5. Interpret graph results, writing the results in a short paragraph.

6. Share group results with whole class and compare.

7. Closure: Compare and contrast graphs.

Evaluation: The graphs and paragraphs created by students.

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Responsible Official: Kathy.Zona@grc.nasa.gov