Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Science and Technology


Basic nanoscience research at ORNL emphasizes discovery of new materials and phenomena and the understanding of underlying physical and chemical interactions that enables prediction of the composition and properties of next-generation functional materials. 


For nanoscale materials research, the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) is a focal point.  As a national user facility, the CNMS is open for research projects from the broader research community through peer-reviewed user proposals.  CNMS science programs and research themes are designed to make leading-edge contributions to nanoscience research and establish the basis for advancing research capabilities offered to the user community.  CNMS-based research in magnetic, correlated-electron, and functional nanomaterials; macromolecular science and catalysis; nanoscale biological and biomimetic systems; and advanced theoretical, characterization and fabrication capabilities is leading to discoveries and new understanding of the unique properties and characteristics of nanoscale materials. 

The CNMS is a research Division within the ORNL Physical Sciences Directorate.  Within the Directorate there are ongoing focused nanoscience research projects in the Chemical Sciences and Materials Science and Technology Divisions, including both fundamental research and a range of applications capabilities. 

In addition, specific topics in bionanoscience are under investigation in the Biological and Environmental Sciences Directorate, and leadership-class capabilities and expertise for computational approaches to nanoscience problems are provided through the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate. The Neutron Sciences Directorate includes powerful tools and expertise for the study of structure and dynamics in nanoscale materials at the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Spallation Neutron Source.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory encompasses depth and breadth in fundamental nanoscience research, including a wide range of opportunities for user interactions and collaborative research.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
Phone: (+1) 865.574.4160
Supercomputing National Security Advanced Materials Energy Biological Systems Neutron Science
Office of Science
U.S. Department of Energy
Revised: November 30, 2007 - 4,837