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SPS: Secure Payment System

SPS Changes for GWA TAS-BETC Chart

Key Changes for GWA Reporter ALC for SPS vs. Non-GWA Reporter ALC for SPS
No. GWA Reporter ALC for payments SPS Non-GWA Reporter ALC for payments SPS
1 A valid component-based GWA TAS shall be entered/uploaded in SPS for all schedules including Same Day Payment (SDP) Schedules. (Shall have all 24 positions/all 8 components of TAS even if some components don’t apply and are blank). 1 A minimum of 7 positions and maximum of 16 positions shall be entered/uploaded in the Account Symbol field, except for SDP schedules which do not have Account Symbol field. (Agencies may use Account Symbol string format. 1 )
2 A valid BETC for Treasury Disbursed payments (1-8 positions) shall be entered/uploaded in SPS on all schedules. (ex., DISB). (The BETC replaces the transaction code and some standard sub-classes.) N/A
3 TAS and BECT have to be edited together. Only those TAS associated with valid Treasury Disbursing Office (TDO) Payment BETCs shall be valid for SPS. N/A
4 The TAS-BETC shall be validated and shall match the TAS-BETC provided by Shared Accounting Module (SAM) for payments. N/A
5 For Type A detail payments and schedules in SPS (Regular Check, Manual Check, ACH, ACH Prenotes, SDP), there shall be at least 1 TAS-BETC-Amount per individual payment. 2 For Type A schedules in SPS, except SDP, there shall be 1 and only one Account Symbol per individual payment.
6 For Type A schedules in SPS, there shall be up to 100 TAS-BETC-Amounts per individual payment in SPS. 2 For Type A schedules in SPS, except SDP, there shall be only 1 Account Symbol per individual payment.
7 For all schedules in SPS, there shall be at least 1 TAS-BETC-Amount at the schedule level. (SDP schedules also require TAS-BETC-Amount.) For all schedules in SPS, except SDP, there shall be at least 1 Account Symbol per schedule.
8 For all schedules in SPS, there shall be up to 300 TAS-BETC-Amounts at the schedule level. (SDP schedules also require TAS-BETC-Amount.) For all schedules in SPS, except SDP, there shall be a maximum of 10 Account Symbols per schedule.
9 Once an ALC becomes a GWA Reporter ALC for SPS, they shall enter/upload TAS-BETCs and cannot go back to being a Non-GWA Reporter ALC which reports a 7-16 position Account Symbol. N/A
10 Summary Totals for mixed Check and ACH shall have their TAS-BETC information broken out separately by Check and ACH at the schedule level (ex., Summary Totals Schedule Level Check TAS-BETC Record - Mixed Check and ACH; and Summary Totals Schedule Level ACH TAS-BETC Record - Mixed Check and ACH). N/A

1 For string-based Account Symbol format (ex., ‘20X1234’) the component format is below:

Component-based GWA TAS
Prefix Code (SP) Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier (ATA) Agency Identifier (AID) Beginning Period of Availability(BPOA) Ending Period of Availability (EPOA) Availability Type Code (A) Main Account Code (MAIN) Sub Account Code (SUB) BETC
    020     X 1234 000 DISB

2For Type B Summary Schedules in SPS, the associated bulk file (with the individual payments) shall be sent to PAM. The PAM File formats shall advise about associating 1-100 component-based GWA TAS-BETC per payment.

Figure 1 - Key Changes for GWA Reporter ALC for SPS vs. Non-GWA Reporter ALC for SPS

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