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familyEFT/EDI Child Support Payments

Getting Started: DED Child Support Segment

DED Child Support Segment Structure

Element Comments Contents Attributes
  Segment Identifier DED M ID 3/3
DED 01 Application Identifier CS M ID 2/2
DED 02 Case Identifier XXXXXXXXX M AN 1/20
DED 03 Pay Date YYMMDD M DT 6/6
DED 04 Payment Amount $$$$$$$$CC M N2 1/10
DED 05 Non-Custodial Parent SSN XXXXXXXXX M AN 9/9
DED 06 Medical Support Identifier 'Y' = YES, 'N' = NO M AN 1/1
DED 07 Non-Custodial Parent Name XXXXXXXXXX O AN 1/10
DED 08 Fips Code XXXXXXX O AN 5/7
DED 09 Employment Termination Identifier 'Y' = YES O AN 1/1

Federal Agency Instructions

The following are federal agency instructions on the data element fields of the 80 position field length, DED Segment Addendum Record for child support payments.

DED DED is the EDI Data Segment Identifier for Deductions, such as Child Support which is a payroll deduction. This is a mandatory (M) field, and should always include DED.
01 Application Identifier: CS is the acronym for child support, the supporting identifier for the DED segment. It is a mandatory, (AN) character data element, and the field length is (2).
02 Case Identifier: The Identifier is assigned to the case by the child support enforcement entity when a child support case is established. The data element field is an (AN) character, mandatory field. The minimum field length is (1) and the maximum length is (20).
03 Pay Date: Date in which the payment is due to the recipient/child support enforcement entity. This date is established by the child support enforcement entity. This is a mandatory data element, containing the numerical date, in the order indicated: (yy) for the last (2) digits of the year, (mm) for the (2) digit month reference, and (dd) for the (2) digit day reference. The field length is (6).
04 Payment Amount: This is the amount of the child support payment. It is a mandatory numeric field, with a minimum of (1) digit(s), and a maximum of (10). The decimal point is implied which means it is not necessary to include the decimal point for amounts less than one dollar. Thus, the dollar amount of one hundred, fifty dollars, and twenty five cents is written as (15025).
05 Non-Custodial Parent Social Security Number (SSN): Provide the social security number of the federal employee on whom's behalf the child support payment is being made by the federal agency. It is the federal employee's unique identifier. This is defined as (AN) characters, mandatory data element, with a field length of (9).
06 Medical Support Indicator: This field is for the federal agency to indicate whether or not the federal employee (or non-custodial parent) has health insurance available at the employee's place of employment. The indicators are: Y=Yes, and N=No. This is defined as (AN) characters, mandatory, (1) character data field.
07 Non-Custodial Parent Name: The name of the employee on who's behalf the Agency is making the CSP. This should include the first seven (7) characters of the employee's last name, followed by the first three(3) characters of the first name. If the last name is less the (7) characters, a comma is used to separate the last character of the last name from the first character of the first name, with no spaces between. It is an optional, (AN) characters, data element, with a minimum field length of (1) and a maximum of (10).
08 FIPS Code: The Federal Information Process Standard (FIPS) code refers to the assigned code of the child support enforcement entity receiving the child support payments. It is an optional, (AN) characters field, with a minimum field length of (5) and a maximum (7). The State CSE entity will provide the Agency with the appropriate FIPS code for this data element field.
09 Employment Termination Indicator: This data element field is used to notify the CSE agency that the employee's employment with the federal agency has terminated. A "Y" is placed in this field to indicate the employee's termination of employment, otherwise it should not be used.

DED Segment Attributes

M: Represents Mandatory, indicating information in the data element field is required.

O: Represents Optional, indicating information in the data element field is optional.

Note: Though, the DED Segment data element fields are defined as "mandatory" or "optional," some State CSE agencies may or may not require certain "mandatory" or "optional" data elements in the DED Segment. Thus, it is important that federal agencies contact each State CSE Agency before development of the DED Segment to confirm all data element fields that are necessary in the DED Segment addendum.

ID: This implies that the data element is a EDI standard value from a pre-established list.

AN: Indicates all letters, digits, spaces, and or special characters are acceptable in the data element. Exceptions: the asterisk, and backward slash should not be used as character data within a data element field.

DT: Defines the EDI standard format for the Date, the last two digits of the numeric year (yy), followed by the two digit numbers for the month(mm), and day(dd) of the Date.

N2: This defines the format for the amount data element field. The decimal for the dollar amounts less than one dollar is implied (represented without the decimal).

Data Element Fields: All data element fields are left justified. Trailing spaces are only used when satisfying a minimum length requirement.

Asterisks (*) are used as separators, and fillers. An asterisk should appear between each data element field, and in each optional data element field for which there is no data to indicate that the defined data element field is blank.

Backward Slash ( \ ) is used to denote the end of a Segment. There are no spaces between data element fields, and no blank space data element fields. Spaces can appear within a data element, for example: The Case Identifier data element is an (AN) characters field, with a minimum field length of (1) and a maximum of (20). This could be written as: 123 AB-## % 1123 (including digits, spaces, alpha letters, characters).

Note: Federal agency questions concerning the contains of the ACH Vendor and Miscellaneous Payments Detail Record, or the ACH CCD+, 80 position addendum for child support payments may be directed to Betty Harvey-Tauber (Betty Harvey-Tauber), Payment Operations Division, (202) 874-6798 or Carl Szczesny (Carl Szczesny), Kansas City Financial Center, Customer Assistance Staff, 816-414-2107 (see Appendix).

Examples: Support Child Support Addenda


Comments: Every data element field contains information except the last data element field, DED 09. The backward slash is placed after the last data element filed that contains data, DED 08, and is used to indicate the end of the Segment.


Comments: The last three data element fields, DED, 07, 08, and 09 are blank data element fields. Thus, the backward slash is placed after the last character of the last data element field that contains data, DED 06.


Comments: DED 01 - 07 contains data. An asterisk is used to separate the data element field, DED 07, from DED 08. The second asterisk is used to indicate DED 08 is a blank, followed by DED 09, which contains 'Y' for termination of employment. The backward slash is placed after DED 09 to end the Segment.

   Last Updated:  Monday July 07, 2008

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