SEBSCC Data Policy

SEBSCC follows the lead of the U.S. GLOBEC data policy (U.S. Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics Report Number 10, February 1994). SEBSCC maintains that the intellectual investment and time committed to the collection and processing of a data set entitles an investigator to the fundamental benefits of the data set. Initial publication of descriptive or interpretive results derived immediately and directly from the data is the privilege and responsibility of the investigators responsible for each collection. Accordingly, SEBSCC will generally allow exclusive use of data for one year from the completion of data processing, which will be established for each data type by the Research Council. Data must be released for collaboration among scientists to promote interdisciplinary and comparative interpretation, development of collaborative approaches, and development and testing of new theories. Any scientist making substantial use of a data set is obligated to communicate with the investigators who acquired the data and should anticipate that these scientists will be co-authors of published results.

Metadata (descriptors of data sets) must be cataloged in the North Pacific Ecosystem Metadatabase no later than one year after data collection.

Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity