A. Here is a selected bibliography on child support enforcement.

Selected References

  • Barber, "Soldiers, Sailors and the Law", 9 Family Advocate, 38-41 (1987).
  • Baughn, Throw the Book at Deadbeat Parents, Criminal Enforcement of Child Support Orders, Family Advocate, Vol. 23, No. 2, (2000).
  • Bradshaw, Department of Social Security, Support for Children: A Comparison of Arrangements in Fifteen Countries (HMSO, London) (1993).
  • Burch, The 1989 Inter-American Convention on Support Obligations, XL Amer. J. Comp. L. 817-864 (1992).
  • Castel, "Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments In Personam and In Rem in Common Law Provinces Of Canada, 17 McGill L.J. 11, 161-79 (1971).
  • Caswell, Making Long-Distance Parents Pay Up, International Child-Support Enforcement, Family Advocate, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2000).
  • Cavers, "International Enforcement of Family Support", 81 Columbia Law Review, 994-1043 (1981).
  • Cavers, "Draft Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Relating to Maintenance Obligations, 21 Amer. J.Comp. L. 154 (1973).
  • DeHart, "Comity, Conventions and the Constitution", 28 Family L.Q., 89-115 (1994).
  • DeHart, "Getting Support Over There", 9 Family Advocate, 34-37 (1987).
  • DeHart, "International Enforcement of Child Support and Custody: Reciprocity and Other Strategies, ABA Section of Family Law Monograph (1986).
  • DeHart, "Reaching Across International Boundaries", 2 Family Advocate, 27-29 (1979).
  • Hewitt, Oz and the Art of Maintenance, Britain’s Child Support Agency Is One Year Old, Independent, London, (1994).
  • Koenig, Courts in the Fax Lane: The Use of Facsimile Technology in State Courts, State Justice Institute Grant No. SJI-89-06F-B-023, Center for Public Policy Studies, Telephone Conferencing in Interstate Child Support Cases: Final Report, State Justice Institute Grant No. SJI-88-06E-G-059, (1990).
  • Krause, Child Support in America: The Legal Perspective (1981).
  • Krause, Reflections on Child Support, Family Law Quarterly, XVII, No. 2, (1983).
  • Krauskopf, International Recognition and Enforcement of Family Law Judgments, 27 St. Louis B.J. 6 (1980).
  • McLean, Recognition of Family Judgments in the Commonwealth 209 (1983).
  • Marks-Barnett, Enforcement of Foreign Support Orders, Judgments or Decrees, 52 Okla. B.J. 1801 (1981).
  • Oldham, Lessons from the New English and Australian Child Support Systems, 29 Vanderbilt J. of Transnat’l Law, 691, 735 (1996).
  • Oldham, Introduction to the 1999 Child Support Symposium 33 FAM. L.Q. 1 (1999).
  • Paikin, Use of Teleconferencing in Interstate Child Support Cases, 13 Fairshare 12 (1993).
  • Pfund, Cumulative Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1981-1988, Vol. III, U.S. Department of State, Office of the Legal Adviser, 3695-3697 (1995).
  • Sampson & Kartz, UIFSA, An Interstate Support Act for the Century, 27 Fam. L.Q. 85-173 (1993).
  • Sampson, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (1996) (with Unofficial Annotations by John J. Sampson), 32 Fam. L.Q. 221 (Summer 1998).
  • Saxon & Kane, The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, Institute of Gov. Family Law Bulletin, Univ. N.C., Chapel Hill, (March 1996).
  • Schwartz, How to Collect Support from Overseas, Fairshare, 8 (March 1988).
  • Zoop, Protecting Soliders … From Their Spouses: The Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act, Family Advocate, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2000).