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Mission Areas

Energy Surety

Energy Surety — The North American electrical power grid is a key element of the U.S. infrastructure and is essential to the economy and security of the United States. Restructuring of the electrical power industry will bring both opportunities and challenges for the technical community.

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Complete Annual Report (5.1MB PDF)


The Energy and Infrastructure Assurance program supports Sandia's core purpose of helping our nation secure a peaceful and free world through technology. Our goal is to enhance the surety (safety, security, and reliability) of energy and other critical infrastructures.

Strides are being made in the areas of energy research, earth sciences, transportation systems, risk management technologies, environmental stewardship, and nuclear waste management. Sandia is also actively working to improve the nation's critical infrastructure surety. We are focusing on infrastructure elements in the areas of transportation, electric power grid, oil and gas distribution, telecommunications, finance and banking, and vital human services.
