Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


Department of Rehabilitation List of Contacts

Comments - DOR Public Information Number: publicaffairs@dor.ca.gov
(916) 324-1313 (Voice)
(916) 558-5807 (TTY)

Accounting: acctginfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5700 (Voice)

Appeals Board: appealsboardinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5860 (Voice)
(916) 558-5862 (TTY)

Assistive Technology: atinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5775 (Voice)
(916) 558-5778 (TTY)

Audit Services: auditinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5835 (Voice)

Blind Services: blindinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5480 (Voice)
(916) 558-5482 (TTY)

Budgets: budgets@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5880 (Voice)
(916) 558-5878 (TTY)

Business Enterprises Program: bepinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5345 (Voice)

Business Services: bssinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5500 (Voice)
(916) 558-5503 (TTY)

Centralized Services: centsvs@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5465 (Voice)

Client Assistance Program: capinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5390 (Voice)
(916) 558-5392 (TTY)
1-800-952-5544 (Voice)
1-866-712-1085 (TTY)

Collaborative Services Section: cssinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5415 (Voice)

Community Resource Development: crdssinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5445 (Voice)

Contracts and Procurement: contract@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5680 (Voice)
(916) 558-5682 (TTY)

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: dhhs@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5670 (Voice)
(916) 558-5673 (TTY)

Disability Access Section (formerly ADA Technical Assistance Section): adatf@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5755 (Voice)
(916) 558-5758 (TTY)

External Affairs: publicaffairs@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5874 (Voice)
(916) 558-5807 (TTY)

Independent Living: ilinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5775 (Voice)
(916) 558-5778 (TTY)

Information Systems Services: issinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5588 (Voice)
(916) 558-5597 (TTY)

Labor Relations: lrinfo@dor.ca.gov 
(916) 558-5540 (Voice)

Legislation: leginfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5790 (Voice)

Office of Civil Rights: ocr@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5850 (Voice)
(916) 558-5852 (TTY)

Orientation Center for the Blind: ocbinfo@dor.ca.gov
(510) 559-1208 (Voice)

Personnel: personnelinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5545 (Voice)
(916) 558-5547 (TTY)

Small Business and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Liaison: sbdvbe@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5699 (Voice)

Staff Development: staffdevelopment@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5650 (Voice)
(916) 558-5653 (TTY)

State Rehabilitation Council: src@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5865 (Voice)
(916) 558-5867 (TTY)

Webmaster: E-mail Webmaster

Workforce Development: wdsinfo@dor.ca.gov
(916) 558-5415 (Voice)


If you know the name of the individual you are attempting to reach,
go to the Department of General Services (DGS) California On-Line Directory.