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SAMHSA News - November/December 2005, Volume 13, Number 6

From Hurricane Response To Long-Term Recovery (Part 5)


A wide range of information, publications, and services related to Hurricane Katrina is available on SAMHSA's Empowering Recovery Web site at www.samhsa.gov/hurricane/
. Related information includes:

Crisis Hotline

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Web sites

SAMHSA Disaster Readiness & Response

SAMHSA's Disaster Technical Assistance Center

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Web links

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network


SAMHSA's National Mental Health Information Center
www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/cmhs/katrina/pubs.aspEnd of Article

« See Part 1: Hurricane Recovery

« See Part 2: Hurricane Recovery

« See Administrator's Message

« See First-Person Accounts

See Also-Children's Trauma Network »

See Also-Methadone, Buprenorphine »

See Also-Estimates of Substance Use in Affected States »

See Also—Next Article »

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Empowering Recovery

Inside This Issue

Hurricane Recovery:
Part 1
Part 2
Administrator's Message
First-Person Accounts
Children's Trauma Network
Methadone, Buprenorphine
Estimates of Substance Use in Affected States

Efforts To Stop Underage Drinking
Part 1
Part 2

Making a Difference for America's Youth

Update: Medicare Rx Benefit

TIP 43: Opioid Treatment

SAMHSA 2005 Grants

SAMHSA Report Highlights Outcome Measures

Conference Addresses Homelessness

Methamphetamine Update

Relapse Prevention for Older Adults

Journal: Employee Assistance Alliance

Brochure: In the Best of Families

Booklet: Faces of Change

SAMHSA News In Print 2005 Index—Volume 13
Index A–D
Index E–M
Index N–R
Index S–Y


SAMHSA News - November/December 2005, Volume 13, Number 6

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