Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Directorate


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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ORNL Employee Hotline for
Environmental, Safety, and Health Concerns

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Joe Herndon
Cathy Cheverton
Executive Secretary

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ES&H Hotline:


865-241-5500 or 241-5500

What: ORNL's 24-hour ES&Q Hotline is for reporting environmental, safety, and health concerns.

When: Concerns may be reported to the Hotline Coordinator voice mailbox 24 hours a day. The Hotline Coordinator checks the mailbox at least twice a day.

How the Hotline Works: When you use the Hotline, the person answering the call fills out a form for the employee as the employee voices his/her concern. That form is then forwarded to the proper person for resolution. When the form is sent to the person responding to the concern, the form will not have your name included on the form, only a code number. If the concern can be addressed immediately, an answer will be provided by a return telephone call from the Hotline Coordinator.

Within 10 working days a written response will be provided to the caller.

Your employee concern will receive total confidentiality; only the Hotline Coordinator will know the person who is submitting the concern. Also, you may request anonymity. If you choose to remain anonymous, please provide any three letters of the alphabet to identify your employee concern. You may contact the Hotline Coordinator during normal working hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) to request the status of your concern.

Working to improve the health and safety of our employees and the public,
to protect the environment and to support quality in operations.

Web site provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's ESH&Q Directorate
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Last Revised: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2006 14:51:48 EST