Welcome to CATALYSIS — Center for Basic and Applied Research

ORNL has a long, distinguished history of catalysis research. With a diverse staff of world-class researchers and state-of-the-science facilities and instrumentation available on campus, ORNL addresses all aspects of catalysis research from very fundamental studies to specific applications. Our emphasis has been on heterogeneous catalysis and our researchers are also part of several national user centers at ORNL including the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, High Temperature Materials Laboratory, National Transportation Research Center, and Spallation Neutron Source. Thus, we host a large number of researchers from academia, industry, and other national laboratories who come to ORNL to solve their complex research problems.

Our focus has been on all aspects of heterogeneous catalysis including design and synthesis of novel catalysts, fundamental surface science, automotive emission catalysts, theoretical modeling, and characterization. These are exciting times for catalysis research when we have the ability to see nanocatalysts at the atomic level, and there are new techniques under development that will enable monitoring catalysts under operating conditions. We envision this catalyst center will continue to make broad contributions to fundamental advances in catalysis, as well as work with our industrial partners to facilitate introduction of new catalysts and technologies that meet the goal of efficient use of energy while reducing the impact on the environment.

-Michelle Buchanan, Associate Laboratory Director

Contact Persons:

A.C. Buchanan

Tel: 865-576-2168


Stuart Daw

Tel: 865-946-1341


Chaitanya Narula

Tel: 865-574-8445


Steve Overbury

Tel: 865-574-5040


John Storey

Tel: 865-946-1232


Gabriel Veith

Tel: 865-576-0027






 Oak Ridge National Laboratory