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NASA Oral History Project: Administrators

This ongoing NASA Oral History Project captures information from the individuals who were involved in key positions with the Space Agency.

Beggs, James M.
Intro (58K)
3-7-02 (479K)

Assistant Administrator, Office of Advanced Research and Technology, NASA Headquarters, 1968-1969
NASA Administrator
, NASA Headquarters, 1981-1985

Earls, Julian M.
Intro (58K)
2-22-06 (191K)

2-23-06 (174K)
Head, Health Physics Section, Nuclear Systems Division; Chief, Health, Safety, and Security Division, Administration and Computer Services Directorate; Director, Office of Health Services; Assistant Deputy Director, Business Resources Development; Director and Chief Information Officer, Administration and Computer Services; Deputy Director, Operations; Deputy Director, Director, Glenn Research Center (Lewis Research Center), 1968-2005
Finger, Harold B
Intro (60K)
5-16-02 (441K)
Bio Sheet (82K)
Engineer, NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, 1944-1957
Director, Nuclear Systems, NASA Headquarters, 1958-1967
Associate Administrator, Organization and Management, NASA Headquarters, 1967-1969

Frankle, Edward A.
Intro (21K)
11-18-03 (283K)
Bio Sheet (29K)

Chief Counsel, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1982-1985
Deputy General Counsel, NASA Headquarters, 1985-1988
General Counsel, NASA Headquarters, 1988-2001
Frutkin, Arnold W.
Intro (59K)
1-11-02 (356K)
3-8-02 (221K)
NASA Assistant Administrator for International Affairs, NASA Headquarters, 1963-1978
Huntoon, Carolyn
Intro (60K)
6-5-02 (290K)

Center Director, NASA Johnson Space Center, 1994-1995

Huntress, Wesley T.
Intro (57K)
4-29-02 (323K)
Bio Sheet (102K)
Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1968-1988 
Deputy Director, Earth Science and Applications Division, NASA Headquarters, 1988-1990
Director, Solar System Exploration Division, NASA Headquarters, 1990-1993
Associate Administrator, Space Science, NASA Headquarters, 1993-1998
Kennel, Charles F.
Intro (58K)
4-29-02 (329K)
Associate Administrator, NASA Mission to Planet Earth Enterprise, NASA Headquarters, 1994-96
NASA Advisory Council, 1998 -
Joseph H.

Intro (15K)
Bio Sheet (29K)
3-12-04 (477K)

Hubble Space Telescope Operations Manager, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1983-1987
Chief, Mission Operations Division, Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1987-1989
Deputy Director, Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1989-1990
Associate Director for Hubble Space Telescope Flight Projects, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1990-1994
Deputy Center Director, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1995
Center Director, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1995-1998
Associate Administrator, Office of Space Flight, NASA Headquarters, 1998-2001

Soper, Josie A.
Intro (21K)
4-19-06 (210K)

Administrative Support, Public Affairs, Legislative Affairs, Office of the Administrator, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C, 1962-2006.

Stadd, Courtney A.
Intro (21K)
1-7-03 (113K)
1-8-02 (81K)
11-19-03 (268K)
Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology, and Special Assistant to the Administrator, NASA Headquarters, 1992-1993
, Presidential Transition Team, December 2000

Chief of Staff and White House Liaison
, NASA Headquarters, 2001-2003
Taub, William P.
Intro (21K)
11-8-06 (84K)

Photographer, NACA, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Photographer, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 1941-1975

Thompson, J. R.
Intro (58K)
4-29-02 (192K)
Director George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, 1986-1989
NASA Deputy Administrator, NASA Headquarters, 1989-1991
Truly, Richard H.
Intro (22K)
6 -169-03 (47K)

Bio Sheet (29K)
Space Shuttle Astronaut
Associate Administrator for Space Flight (1986-1989)
Administrator for Space Flight (1989-1992)

More transcripts are available from the alphabetical list above or from the complete list of participants.

Please note: Links on the following pages are active once the Oral History transcript is archived in the JSC History Collection.

To view the newest additions to the JSC History Collection, visit the "What's New" announcement.

Transcript lists were last updated: June 30 , 2008

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Curator: Kim Dismukes
Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty

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Updated: 07/11/2007

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