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Photo Gallery

Opal the OctopusGood day! I'm glad to see you managed to get to the Photo Gallery on your trip to the Kid's Corner. I am Opal the Octopus and I will be your guide.

The Photo Gallery is a more visual look into the South Florida Ecosystem History Project. Here there are lots of photographs of animals in southern Florida, and many photos of scientists working hard out in the field and back in the lab to uncover what the natural state of the Everglades is.

Each gallery has lots of great pictures and interesting information, so I recommend that your look at all of the photo galleries. If you don't have time to see them all, click on the gallery below that most interests you. Enjoy your stay!

Photo Gallery navigationplants and landscapeanimalsin the labbirdsin the fieldtaking cores

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: /flaecohist/kidscorner/photogallery.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact:
Heather Henkel - Webmaster (
Last updated: September 01, 2006 @ 10:58 AM (KP)