The ALLWEST Archive

Listing of files and instructions for retrieval of the ALLWEST2 database

Files with .TXT extensions are saved as ASCII files and may be read using any text or word processor.

Files in the self-extracting zip archive

This text.
Title page.
Background information on the Hopkins U.S. System and the Hopkins U.S. System Index, HUSSI.
Description of HUSSI files at each repository.
List of repositories (as of 1986) for Hopkins U.S. System records described in HUSSI.
Data dictionary for HUSSI records.
Description of ALLWEST2 database.
HUSSI records from all western U.S.D.A. Forest Service repositories (as of 1986), except PSWNB records from notebooks at the Pacific Southwest Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA. PSWNB records are in a seperate archive. Files have been compressed using PKZIP software, but PKZIP is not needed to retrieve and decompress the file.

    Creating the ALLWEST directory and installing the HUSSI files in it

  1. Download the self-extracting zip archive to your computer. Make sure you remember the location of the directory where the archive is placed when it is downloaded.

  2. From the DOS prompt, or from the RUN dialog box in Windows (under the FILE menu in Windows 3.x, and the START button in Windows 95) type the following:

    [path]ALLWEST2 -d C:\ALLWEST

    Here [path] is the full path of the drive and directory into which the ALLWEST2.EXE file was downloaded.



    D:\XFER\ is the path where the ALLWEST2.EXE file was created when you downloaded it.

The self-extractor will create a directory C:\ALLWEST and place the contents of the ALLWEST2.EXE into that directory. The extracted database in ALLWEST2.EXE will occupy about 12 MB. The ALLWEST2 file is dBase-compatible and can be imported or read directly into programs such as PC-File, ACCESS, FoxBase, RBase, PARADOX*, and other "X"Base-type programs within which specific queries and reports may be generated.

Download the ALLWEST archive now...

*Mention of tradename or software program does not constitute endorsement of that product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.