NOAA Research

Understanding the chemistry of our atmosphere

What does the ESRL Chemical Sciences Division do for the nation?

The research of the Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) provides a sound scientific basis for decisions and choices made by industry, government, and the public relating to climate change, air quality improvement, and ozone layer protection.

The mission of CSD is:

Chemical reactions and radiative processes (heating, cooling, and initiation of reactions) drive atmospheric change. Identification and characterization of these processes are needed to build better models of the atmosphere. CSD focuses on understanding the chemical reactions and radiative processes that are important to model predictions of past and future changes in climate, regional air quality, and the stratospheric ozone layer. In this context of helping to build better predictions, CSD scientists conduct investigations of atmospheric chemistry under controlled conditions in the laboratory, make field measurements in a variety of environments, and carry out diagnostic analyses and interpretations. The Division also assists the scientific community worldwide in providing decision-support information. CSD provides leadership and scientific input to efforts to assess the current state of scientific understanding and interacts with those who use this information. For example, CSD personnel serve as co-chair of the climate-science working group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and as co-chair of the international ozone-layer scientific assessment for the U.N. Montreal Protocol.

Recent Accomplishments

What's next for the Chemical Sciences Division?

CSD scientists provide Program Management leadership for NOAA's Climate Forcing Program and NOAA's Air Quality Program, and they lead assessment efforts that provide user-friendly information for decision makers in climate and air quality. Over the next five to ten years, scientists at the Division will focus on:

Research Partnerships

Several CSD scientists are affiliated with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (University of Colorado) or Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (Colorado State University). CSD also has vital research and scientific partnerships with colleagues from other Divisions of the Earth System Research Laboratory (for example, with those building the next generation of air quality forecast models), other NOAA/OAR laboratories, NOAA's National Weather Service and National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service, NASA, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, private industry, and numerous universities and organizations worldwide.

ESRL logoNOAA logoFor more information, contact:

Dr. A Ravishankara, Acting Director
325 Broadway
Boulder, Colorado 80305
Phone: 303-497-3134

September 7, 2006