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U.S. Food & Drug Administration
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RFE Page 2 - Hazard, Market, Geographic and Nomenclature Information for Skipjack Tuna (Tuna; Katsuwonus pelamis)

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Nomenclature Table

RFE LinkFDA - SL Market Name
FDA - SL Common Name
FDA - SL Scientific Name
RFE 2 Letter Code
RFE 8 Letter Code
FDA - SL Vernacular NamesAFS Common Name
AFS Scientific Name
AFS Other Names
AFS Synonyms
FAO Scientific Name
FAO Species Code
FAO Common Name English
FAO Common Name French
FAO Common Name Spanish
FAO Synonyms

Skipjack TunaFDA-SL Market Name: Tuna
FDA-SL Common Name: Skipjack Tuna
FDA-SL Sci. Name: Katsuwonus pelamis
FDA RFE WWW 2 Letter code: sk
FDA RFE 8 Letter code: katspela
Vernac. 1) Ocean Bonito
Vernac. 2) Lesser Tuna
Vernac. 3) Aku

AFS Common Name: Skipjack Tuna
AFS Sci. Name: Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758)
AFS Other Names:   N.A.

AFS Synonyms: We follow B. B. Collette and C. E. Nauen, 1983, FAO Fish. Synop. 125 (vol. 2):42,
and many other ichthyologists in placing Euthynnus pelamis in the monotypic genus Katsuwonus.
FAO Sci. Name: Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758)
FAO Species Code: SCOMBR Kats 1
FAO Common English: Skipjack tuna
FAO Common French: Bonite à ventre rayé (=Listao)
FAO Common Spanish: Listado
FAO Sci. Name with Ref.: Scomber pelamis Linnaeus, 1758;
Sytema Naturae, ed. X:297

FAO Synonyms: Scomber pelamides Lacepède, 1800;
Scomber pelamys - Bloch & Schneider, 1801;
Thynnus pelamys - Cuvier, 1817;
Thynnus pelamis - Risso, 1826;
Thynus vagans Lesson, 1826;
Thinnus pelamis - S.D.W., 1837;
Orcynus pelamys - Poey, 1875;
Euthynnus pelamys - Jordan & Gilbert, 1882;
Gymnosarda pelamis - Dresslar & Fesler, 1889;
Orcynus pelamis - Smitt, 1892;
Katsuwonus pelamys - Kishinouye, 1915;
Katsuwonus pelamis - Kishinouye, 1923;
Euthynnus pelamis - Ehrenbaum, 1924;
Gymnosarda pelamys - Barnard, 1927.

Geographic Distribution Table

ThumbnailSeafood List (Common, Genus/Species, Market)Occurence (AFS)Occurence (FAO)

Fish ImageSkipjack Tuna
Katsuwonus pelamis
A-P (20) Cosmopolitan in tropical and warm-temperate waters; absent from the Black Sea.

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