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Exiting Employees
Separations are actions that end employment with an agency.  These actions include: retirement, resignation, terminations, removal, separation due to reductions in force (RIF),  and separations to enter the uniformed services. The decision to separate from the agency should be done in writing. A Request for Personnel Action  form (SF-52) may be used. This should be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor.


Forms to be Completed Check Out Procedure
  • A Separation Clearance Certificate form (CD-126) must be completed by both the exiting employee and their immediate supervisor. This form is used to confirm that all government related items have been returned, disabled, or closed.  Items included are:  official identification, door keys and card keys, govt. travel, purchase, and telephone credit cards, imprest fund payments, accountable property, travel advances, official or diplomatic passport, library items, computer access, and classified/sensitive information.
  • A Lump Sum Leave or Compensation Time Payments form (CD-581) is required to indicate what and how any remaining leave is to be disbursed.
  • Audit for Leave Year form (CD-527) is required to indicate an accurate time and attendance balance is on record.
  • The separating employee initiates the action by submitting a letter of resignation to their immediate supervisor.
  • A separation date is determined and a request is submitted to the Personnel Manager in the Center.
  • The CD-126 and CD-581 are supplied to the employee to be completed by them and their immediate supervisor. The CD-126 is delivered to all stations corresponding to the Administrative Clearances section for sign off.
  • The CD-527 is submitted to the employees time keeper for the leave audit. All Federal property must be returned or accounted for before the clearance is complete. The employee will vacate their office by the day of separation.
What do They Take - What do They Leave
Employees are allowed to take only what personal property they have brought to the job. These are items that were not purchased by the Federal agency or fall under the ownership of the Federal agency.

As part of the exit procedure, separating employees must surrender their assigned Government Identification cards and all keys to the facility. They must leave any documentation, data, research, published papers, findings, or programs that were accumulated during their employment with the agency. All furnishings, computer hardware and software, computer peripherals, office supplies, cellular and satellite phones, GPS units, tools, and any other equipment under the ownership of the Federal agency can not be removed.

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