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Since the program's inception, the Nuclear Energy Research Initaitive (NERI) has employed a unique process for selecting new research and development (R&D) projects. Principal investigators (PIs) select research topics of interest, in response to NERI solicitations, and define the scope and extent of the R&D in their proposals. The Department of Energy (DOE) employs an independent, expert peer review process to judge the scientific and technical merit of the R&D proposal. DOE reviews those proposals judged to have the highest scientific and technical merit to ensure their conformance with DOE policy and programmatic requirements. Because the R&D proposals are researcher-initiated, NERI assures that the research is innovative. The newly refocused program uses a similar peer review process; however, research topic areas are more clearly defined and a relevance review is also conducted to ensure that awarded projects are related to the needs of the specific R&D programs that they support.



Program Links

Research Areas
------------------------------- R&D Awards
NERI Overall Award Summary
Participants List
NERI-C Awards
FY 2007 Awards
FY 2006 Awards
FY 2005 Awards
Solicitations & Announcements


FY 2007 Advanced Reactor, Fuel Cycle, and Energy Products Workshop for Universities


International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI)


NERI Reports