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Wednesday, September 24

The IAEA and State-Declared Safeguards Information

John Oakberg, International Atomic Energy Agency (retired)
Global Security and Nonproliferation Program Seminar
2:00 PM, Building 4500-S, Weinberg Auditorium
Contact: Volena LeTourneau (, 865.574.6874


In his presentastion, John Oakberg will give a brief history of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Department of Safeguards and describe the types of information provided by States and the associated information systems. It will include the evolution of activities within the IAEA regarding the use of such information and current developments that are under way. John will also share some of his personal experiences working at the IAEA from 1982-2007.

John Oakberg is a retired Sr. Information Analyst who worked in the Division of Safeguards Information Management, IAEA Department of Safeguards. His main responsibilities were in the areas of correlating and analyzing State-supplied information related to information analysis in strengthened international safeguards and in providing expertise on nuclear material accounting and reporting with respect to the relevant provisions of safeguards agreements. John also worked for 12 years developing and implementing information systems for the Oak Ridge facilities during the time Union Carbide Corporation was its primary contractor.