United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Small, Limited Resource, and Beginning Farmers/Ranchers

The purpose of this program is to ensure that NRCS programs are administered in a way that enables small, limited resource and beginning farmers and ranchers maintain and develop economic viability in farm operations; to ensure NRCS technical assistance programs and activities reach small, limited resource and beginning farmers and ranchers; and that technical practices and information are relevant to the needs of these farmers and ranchers.

Self-Determination Tool

This online tool has been provided for farmers and ranchers to see if they qualify for the special cost-share payment rates under EQIP for limited resource farmers and ranchers.

Additional Information

Some of these documents are available in Adobe Acrobat format.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentFact Sheet 

Success Stories

South Carolina Farmer Dedicated to Improving Livestock Management

Adobe Acrobat DocumentConservation Security Program - Growing with conservation:  Orchard grower reaps Conservation Security Program rewards

Adobe Acrobat DocumentConservation on the Ground - Environmental Quality Incentives Program Program Helps Covington County Farmer



Program Contact

Robert Molleur, National Small, Limited Resource, and Beginning Coordinator 202-720-6521