Modes of Access

Contributing Users (CUs)

Contributing Users (CUs) are individuals or groups who carry out research at NSLS Facility Beamlines and also enhance beamline capabilities and/or contribute to their operation. CUs typically develop instrumentation in some manner, either bringing external financial and/or intellectual capital into the evolution of the beamlines, or by making an external contribution to the operation of the beamlines. For example, a CU might expect to accomplish one or more of the following:

  • Develop a new capability or new instrumentation;
  • Develop a dedicated end station or beamline;
  • Build a new user community;
  • Engage in education and/or outreach;
  • Perform other activities outside the scope of the NSLS General User (GU) Program and deemed by the NSLS Science Advisory Committee (SAC) to be valuable to the NSLS user community.

To encourage involvement and in exchange for making these contributions available to GUs and the facility, CUs may be recognized for their investments by receiving a specified percentage of beam time on one or more Facility Beamlines for a period of up to three years, with the possibility of renewal.

Becoming a Contributing User

To become a CU on an NSLS Facility Beamline, an individual or group should first contact the Beamline Spokesperson to determine the feasibility of the proposed project. Beamline Staff are listed under each beamline in the Beamline Guide. If the project is feasible, then a CU Proposal should be submitted to the NSLS User Administrator for review by the NSLS Chair. The CU proposal will be evaluated on the basis of its importance to the NSLS mission and availability of beam time on the requested beamline. Decisions by the NSLS on whether or not to establish an Agreement with a CU and the terms of the Agreement are subject to approval by the NSLS Science Advisory Committee (SAC). CU Proposals may be submitted at any time. The proposal should be submitted in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat (portable document format) and should not exceed ten (10) pages in length. The information that should be included in the proposal is described below:

Required Content of a Contributing User Proposal

A Contributing User Proposal should include the following information:

1.   Contributing Users

  • Names of all individuals, groups or institutions who request consideration as a CU
  • Name of the specified principal investigator (PI) for the CU
  • Contact information (name, title, affiliation, address, phone and fax numbers, and email addresses) for all persons listed above
  • Brief description of the relevant scientific and technical experience of the PI and CU members

2.   Proposed Program and Scientific Case

Provide a complete description of the proposed program, to include the following:

  • Goals and objectives
  • Description of the scientific program
  • Synchrotron techniques to be used
  • Technical feasibility
  • Availability of the equipment necessary to carry out the proposed program
  • Specify the requested beamline, what is unique about it, and why it is necessary to the proposed program. If more than one beamline is requested, provide the information for each beamline.
  • Describe the reason why this program should warrant consideration as a CU proposal rather than a GU proposal

3.   Impact of Proposed Contribution

In this section clearly describe how the NSLS and the NSLS General User community will benefit. Include the following:

  • Describe the proposed contribution
  • Describe the relationship to existing facilities and any anticipated enhancement of these facilities or new capabilities that will be enabled
  • Describe expectations for NSLS contribution (if any)
  • Potential benefits to and positive impacts on GUs

4.   Operation of End Station or Beamline Instrumentation

If endstation or beamline instrumentation will be part of the CU contribution, provide a plan describing:

  • How the new instrumentation will be maintained in good operating condition
  • How the general user usage of the new instrumentation will be supported during the term of the Agreement

5.   Proposal Term

  • The approximate number of days necessary to carry out the program in each cycle
  • The number of years necessary to complete the program (up to a maximum of three years)

6.   Funding

Provide the following:

  • Preliminary budget for capital items, fabrication, assembly and operations.
  • Anticipated funding sources and levels for the number of years requested

Proposal Submission

Proposals to become a contributing user should be submitted electronically to the NSLS User Administrator.

Proposal Acceptance

Proposals are reviewed electronically. The PI will be notified by the NSLS after a determination to accept or reject the proposal is made.

Other Requirements

  • Contributing User Memorandum of Understanding and NSLS Agreement
    If the Contributing User Proposal is accepted, the NSLS User Administration Office will contact the PI to complete a Memorandum of Understanding and then the NSLS Agreement. The MOU is among the members of the CU describing the contributions and responsibilities of each member. The NSLS agreement is between the NSLS and the CU to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of both parties regarding funding, staffing, safety, operations, and allocation of beamtime. The signed MOU and Agreement must be accepted by the NSLS Chair prior to the start of operations.
  • Laboratory Space
    Generally, each beamline has a laboratory/set up space. Contact the beamline's Spokesperson for information.


Users' Reference Guide