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The NIST Physics Program produces the most comprehensive set of reliable physical reference data available anywhere.

The NIST collection of atomic energy levels, transition probabilities, and collision data is widely used by groups for characterizing and modeling all types of gaseous systems, including plasmas, planetary atmospheres, and astrophysical media, and for health physics applications. Databases and publications make these data easy to find and easy to use. The physics online databases have grown into an extensive listing. The NIST Chemistry WebBook now contains electronic and vibrational spectra for over 5000 compounds. The WebBook also contains constants of diatomic molecules.

The SRD Group has also produced several important compilations of molecular data.

The codes in the list below have the following meanings:

PC PC product, most available for purchase, some are free
Online Free online system
DG Inclusion in the NIST Data Gateway - a portal providing access to many NIST scientific and technical databases. It is searchable by keyword, property, or substance name.
Product contains data that have undergone rigorous critical evaluation by experienced researchers who recommend best values.
Online Subsciption
Product is a yearly subscription web product.

Physics Databases

NIST Chemistry WebBook, Online, DG *
NIST Elastic-Electron-Scattering Cross-Section Database, PC, DG*
NIST Electron and Positron Stopping Powers of Materials, PC, DG*
NIST Electron Effective-Attenuation-Length Database, PC, DG *
NIST Electron Inelastic-Mean-Free-Path Database, PC, DG
Elemental Data Index, Online, DG*
Electron-Impact Ionization Cross Section Database, Online, DG *
Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectroscopic Data Online, DG *

Atomic Spectroscopic Data
Spectral Data for the Chandra X-ray Observatory, Online, DG*
Atomic Reference Data for Electronic Structure Calculation Online, DG
Atomic Spectra Database [Version 3.0], Online, DG*
Atomic Spectral Line Broadening Bibliographic Database, Online, DG*
Atomic Transition Probability Bibliographic Database, Online, DG*
Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms,Online, DG*

Atlas of the Spectrum of Platinum/Neon Hollow-Cathode Lamp, Online, DG*
X-Ray Transition Energies Database, Online, DG *

Molecular Spectroscopic Data
Diatomic Spectral Database, Online, DG*
Hydrocarbon Spectral Database, Online, DG*
NIST Recommended Rest Frequencies for Observed Interstellar Molecular Microwave Transitions, Online, DG*

Triatomic Spectral Database, Online, DG*
Wavenumber Tables for Calibration of Infrared Spectrometers, Online, DG*

Photoionization of CO2 (ARPES), Online, DG *

Nuclear Physics
Atomic Weights & Isotopic Composition, Online, DG*
Radionuclide Half-Life Measurements Online, DG*

Physical Constants

Radiation Dosimetry
Stopping-Power and Range Tables for Electrons, Protons, and Helium Ions, Online, DG*

X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Data
Bibliography of Photon Total Cross Section, Online, DG*

Note on x-ray attenuation databases*
XCOM: Photon Cross Sections Database, Online, DG*
Tables of X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients and Mass Energy Absorption Coefficients, Online, DG*
X-Ray Form Factor, Attenuation and Scattering Tabulation, Online, DG
X-Ray Transition Energies Database, Online, DG*
NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database 3.5, Online, DG*
NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database 4.0, Online Subscription

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Tuesday, 19-Feb-08 11:19:35
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