NSA Web Site Testimonials Benefit: Work with the Best Audio: “I came to NSA because of the unique experience to work with some of the best of the best. I can’t think of a better place for a computer scientist to be. If you want to work on interesting projects – projects that just cover the entire scope of what a computer scientist would want to work on and its never a dull or boring moment here and you can always find a project that might interest you. And people are willing to take you under their wing and teach you a little bit more about the subject.” Attribution: Jessica, Signals Analyst Intern Benefit: Advance Your Career Audio: “Coming to work for the Agency what I’ve seen is that this is an environment where there is a lot of opportunity and a lot of benefits for the employee. It’s been better for my family. I felt like the effort that I’ve put in here had been rewarded in the short time that I’ve been here and that I’ve had an opportunity here to take positions that I wouldn’t have had in the private industry.” Attribution: David, Engineering Branch Manager Benefit: Continue Learning Audio: “My decision to come to NSA versus private industry was mainly on the educational opportunities that they have here at the Agency. Currently, as I am in the process of pursuing my Master’s degree in Information Technology, the Agency had outstanding educational opportunities such as the After Hours program which provides full tuition reimbursement as well as the 20/20 program that I will be participating in in the fall.” Attribution: Latoya, Information Systems Security Engineer Benefit: Earn a Competitive Salary Audio: “Despite what most people think, I moved here for money. I had a significant pay increase when I moved to the government. The Agency pays very well. Beyond that it offers tremendous flexibility in work hours, types of jobs that we can do while employed at the Agency and location around the world that we can work.” Attribution: Bob, Information Systems Security Engineer Benefit: Impact the World Audio: “There are tremendous opportunities here to contribute toward issues that are at National level…the issues that you read about in the front page of newspapers. I find that very exciting…that I’m making an impact on those issues.” Attribution: Tara, Senior Operational Staff Officer Benefit: Protect the Nation Audio: “Working at the NSA really gives you a sense of accomplishment. You can really get behind what you are doing when it is for such good causes such as of prevention of terrorism or for example supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.” Attribution: Randy, Signals Analyst Intern Benefit: See the Country Audio: “Working at NSA has opened up numerous doors for me. First of all, I’ve gotten to travel all over the country. Growing up I hardly traveled basically just to New York and Florida – that was it. But since I’ve worked here I’ve traveled to Hawaii, Canada, to different places in Florida and Colorado. I’ve even been to Omaha, Nebraska. So I’ve gone all over the country.” Attribution: Melanie, Global Network Vulnerability Analyst Benefit: Challenge Yourself Audio: “Some of the world’s toughest problems come through the National Security Agency. So if you are looking for a challenge, and you have a go-get-it attitude, this is a perfect place for a scientist to work.” Attribution: Danny, Senior Cryptologic Mathematician